Guest speakers introduced by Ron Carroll were Chrissy Jenkins and Al Pasini from the Youngstown Hearing and Speech Center. They reported that the Youngstown branch is one of 10 in Ohio, and ours is celebratingits 85th year of service. Speech pathology and audiology are their specialties, and they are the only organization that has funds for hearing aids to those in need, ranging from $600. to $1500. each. They serve1800 families in an 11 county area, and a new development is a Children's Club for those deaf and hard of hearing. This group offers social events and teaches leadership, while doing some fund raising fortheir group and other worthy charities. Great program, many good questions. Shown in picture Al Pasini, Chrissy Jenkins, and Susan Leetch
President Susan Leetch opened the meeting and asked Gary Reel to lead the group in the Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and singing of "God Bless America".
SONGLEADER: Chuck Baker was songleader, while we were expecting Sing Rotarians to tune of On Wisconsin, he chose "Daisy, Daisy", a new one for Susan.
Visitors: were Amanda Frost from Poland, and our speakers for the day.
* Dictionaries are about all delivered, extras are available if needed.
* Bruce Laraway is still collecting DVDs and microwave popcorn for El Salvador project.
* Ron Carroll will be our delegate to Rotary Leadership Conf. in Canton on Oct. 23.
* October 24 is World Polio Day, foundation will give a 2 for 1 match on all contributions towards your Paul Harris award.
* Mary Womble and Jim Russell are still looking for a group leader to the Philippines
* Gary collected the last of the candy for Hope House, will also be sending some to Rescue Mission for their Harvest Party of kids living inside, see pictures. We will deliver the bags on Oct. 25 when Rotary/Interact serve the dinner meal.
Chuck's Rotary Minute dealt with hearing loss, stating 278 million people have most or all hearing gone, 80% of those live in underdeveloped countries who have little training or education in hearing protection.Tony Cebriak suggested we all read the article in current Rotary magazine about polio before Chuck speaks on it.
FELLOWSHIP: Mitch Dalvin fined all Browns fans for supporting such an unusual team.
RAFFLE: Karl Rein won the drawing, but God is keeping him from the jackpot so far.
PROGRAM: Guest speakers introduced by Ron Carroll were Chrissy Jenkins and Al Pasini from the Youngstown Speech and Hearing Center. They reported that the Youngstown branch is one of 10 in Ohio, and ours is celebratingits 85th year of service. Speech pathology and audiology are their specialties, and they are the only organization that has funds for hearing aids to those in need, ranging from $600. to $1500. each. They serve1800 families in an 11 county area, and a new development is a Children's Club for those deaf and hard of hearing. This group offers social events and teaches leadership, while doing some fund raising fortheir group and other worthy charities. Great program, many good questions.
Toby Mirto closed with the quote: "Try not to become a man of success but a man of value" Albert Einstein
SONGLEADER: Chuck Baker was songleader, while we were expecting Sing Rotarians to tune of On Wisconsin, he chose "Daisy, Daisy", a new one for Susan.
Visitors: were Amanda Frost from Poland, and our speakers for the day.
* Dictionaries are about all delivered, extras are available if needed.
* Bruce Laraway is still collecting DVDs and microwave popcorn for El Salvador project.
* Ron Carroll will be our delegate to Rotary Leadership Conf. in Canton on Oct. 23.
* October 24 is World Polio Day, foundation will give a 2 for 1 match on all contributions towards your Paul Harris award.
* Mary Womble and Jim Russell are still looking for a group leader to the Philippines
* Gary collected the last of the candy for Hope House, will also be sending some to Rescue Mission for their Harvest Party of kids living inside, see pictures. We will deliver the bags on Oct. 25 when Rotary/Interact serve the dinner meal.
Chuck's Rotary Minute dealt with hearing loss, stating 278 million people have most or all hearing gone, 80% of those live in underdeveloped countries who have little training or education in hearing protection.Tony Cebriak suggested we all read the article in current Rotary magazine about polio before Chuck speaks on it.
FELLOWSHIP: Mitch Dalvin fined all Browns fans for supporting such an unusual team.
RAFFLE: Karl Rein won the drawing, but God is keeping him from the jackpot so far.
PROGRAM: Guest speakers introduced by Ron Carroll were Chrissy Jenkins and Al Pasini from the Youngstown Speech and Hearing Center. They reported that the Youngstown branch is one of 10 in Ohio, and ours is celebratingits 85th year of service. Speech pathology and audiology are their specialties, and they are the only organization that has funds for hearing aids to those in need, ranging from $600. to $1500. each. They serve1800 families in an 11 county area, and a new development is a Children's Club for those deaf and hard of hearing. This group offers social events and teaches leadership, while doing some fund raising fortheir group and other worthy charities. Great program, many good questions.
Toby Mirto closed with the quote: "Try not to become a man of success but a man of value" Albert Einstein