Youngstown Hearing & SpeechGuests of Austintown Rotary Alfred Pasini, Executive Director and Chrissy Jenkins were guests of Austintown Rotary at their meeting on Monday, September 28. Youngstown Hearing has been offering their services for over 85 years, with offices located on Southern Boulevard and at Forum Health in Austintown. They provide the gift of hearing to both adults and children and their services include the aids, evaluations and screening for newborns. A hearing aid can run from $600.00 to $2,000 depending on need. They write off $700,000 to help people who cannot pay, and the support from the community makes this possible. Three years ago, they set up a program for deaf children and mainstreamed it into the schools. These are social programs to interact with other deaf children who learn to be involved and learn leadership. Promotion of interactionis the goal of the program. The kids will be giftwrapping at the Southern Park Mall near the food court from December 6 to the 13 to raise some money for activities. Hopefully this will be a big success with the public. Shown in photo l-r: Austintown Rotary President, Brian Laraway, Chrissy Jenkins, and Alfred Pasini
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Laraway, with invocation and pledge by Gary Reel. Visitors were SAlfred Pasini, and Chrissy from Youngstown Hearing and Speech, and Scott Hemrok and Erik Crooner. ANNOUNCEMENTS:• Reminder about the Octoberfest in Boardman sponsored by Boardman Rotary Oct. 3 & 4. Lots of stuff planned• Dave Buttar WON Sausage Eating Contest for the D&E Counciling Center!! Congratulations!!! 7 Sausages in 5 minutes. Great stuff!! • Brian reminded us that the GSE Team is being formed, if we have any nominees aged 25-40 who are not Rotarians, Hank Conrad from Poland will be the group leader. • Thank you's received from Joe Cassis, Dan Pappalardo on the Water Project and Dan Becker.• Dictionaries are in, labels being put on. Ron Carroll is in charge and will bring them in next week.• October 10: in addition to Dr. Mike Cafaro getting married, it is also "Making a Difference Day. We will be doing Roadside Cleanup as Michael is taking his vows.• Signup sheets being passed around. The Laraway List also being passed.• Susan Leetch is now doing Club Runner and doing a WONDERFUL job, per Brian.• Past Rotary International President will be in Canton - if you plan on going, let Brian know.• Save the date post cards being passed around 10 per person. Let Brian know who is on your list. ROTARY MINUTE: Chuck Baker did a Rotary minute, on what it was like living thru the depression. Rotary Clubs did and in 1932 in Utah actually helped re-open a bank. EasternPennsylvania donated land for community gardens where they harvested vegetables for soup kitchens. FELLOWSHIP: Chuck fined Carol for interupting; David for being in the paper and Brian for his wife beinghonored. FOUNDATION: Bruce Laraway sais the Foundation is 100 years old. Their plans include development of projects with greater outcomes with the greatest impact on world needs and pertinent to Rotarians. More decisions will be in the hands of the Districts. RAFFLE: our guest, Alfred Pasini won the little one but missed the biggie. He donated it back to the club. PROGRAM: Youngstown Hearing & Speech Alfred Pasini, Executive Director and Chrissy Jenkins were our guests. Youngstown Hearing has been offering their services for over 85 years, with offices located on Southern Boulevard and at Forum Health in Austintown. They provide the gift of hearing to both adults and children and their services include the aids, evaluations and screening for newborns. A hearing aid can run from $600.00 to $2,000 depending on need. They write off $700,000 to help people who cannot pay, and the support from the community makes this possible. Three years ago, they set up a program for deaf children and mainstreamed it into the schools. These are social programs to interact with other deaf children who learn to be involved and learn leadership. Promotion of interactionis the goal of the program. The kids will be giftwrapping at the Southern Park Mall near the food court from December 6 to the 13 to raise some money for activities. Hopefully this will be a big success with the public. Shown in photo l-r: Brian Laraway, Chrissy Jenkins, and Alfred Pasini