Debbie Oliver from The United Way spoke about the Familywize Program. Together we can reduce the cost of medicine by an average of 30% or more. The card is accepted at most pharmacies. The United Way is look for assistance from all organizations in spreading the word and getting these cards out. For additional information go to
Meeting called to order by President Brian Laraway, Invocation, Pledge and God Bless America: Karl Rein. We started out great, but…
SONGLEADER: Robin Stock. We will not discuss how the singing went. That is only for those of us there to remember or forget. Ha! Ha!
* Ambassadorial Scholarships applications are ready. See me for details if you have a candidate.
* Mentoring Day-Next Monday (March 22nd). We are going to have a packed house. Get there early. Thanks Gary for getting us ready for a wonderful program.
* Fireside Chat-Date TBA. This was put on hold to focus on the raffle. This is essential to our club, so…fear not…it will happen.
* GSE Events-Friday, April 16th Bowling with Youngstown Club and GSE Team in the evening. This will be our Pub of the Month.
* GSE Events-Saturday, April 17th "An American Wine and Food Pairing Experience" from 6-10pm at the Youngstown Country Club. We need to bring our banner to the event. Please see me for tickets. More details here:
* March 22nd-Rescue Mission. Sign-up sheet was passed around.
* March 23rd-Fundraiser for Chile at Los Gallos. Please see previous email for more details.
* Friday, April 23rd and Saturday, April 24th-District Conference at Mountaineer. Let me know if you plan to attend.
* Reverse Raffle Discussion
o Overall thoughts and opinions-Great Event! We discussed some ideas to make it even better next year. If you have any more ideas, please let me know. Thank you for sharing. Honest and critical feedback is the only way we can get better every year.
o Ticket Sales-We are still awaiting money for some tickets especially mini-board tickets. Please check with your "sold" tickets for both big and mini-boards. We are waiting on payment from a few people.
o Auction Items-We will be sending out a Certificate of Appreciation instead of a form thank you letter. I will (with Shanna's help) work on this with Carol.
o Event Coordination-All payments are being finalized.
Fellowship: Deanna raised big money from those that didn't know that St. Patrick was actually Italian. Nice work, D!
50/50 Raffle Tickets Winner: Dave Buttar won, but he didn't win the big one. I think we have about $127K in there right now.
Speaker: Debbie Oliver (in place of Bob Hannon) from the United Way. I can't even begin to give Debbie justice. The United Way has a program to help people get up to 30% off their non-generic prescriptions. Please ask a fellow Rotarian or visit Great stuff.
Board Meeting: Please stay after for a few items next week. Our regular meeting will be Wed. March 31st @ 7:30am Lucianno's.
Inspirational Quote: We probably wouldn't worry about what people think of us if we could know how seldom they do. â€"Olin Mill
Finally, my thoughts on the Raffle, WOW! WOW! WOW! What an amazing group of people! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people supporting me this year. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
See you next week (and bring a friend).
SONGLEADER: Robin Stock. We will not discuss how the singing went. That is only for those of us there to remember or forget. Ha! Ha!
* Ambassadorial Scholarships applications are ready. See me for details if you have a candidate.
* Mentoring Day-Next Monday (March 22nd). We are going to have a packed house. Get there early. Thanks Gary for getting us ready for a wonderful program.
* Fireside Chat-Date TBA. This was put on hold to focus on the raffle. This is essential to our club, so…fear not…it will happen.
* GSE Events-Friday, April 16th Bowling with Youngstown Club and GSE Team in the evening. This will be our Pub of the Month.
* GSE Events-Saturday, April 17th "An American Wine and Food Pairing Experience" from 6-10pm at the Youngstown Country Club. We need to bring our banner to the event. Please see me for tickets. More details here:
* March 22nd-Rescue Mission. Sign-up sheet was passed around.
* March 23rd-Fundraiser for Chile at Los Gallos. Please see previous email for more details.
* Friday, April 23rd and Saturday, April 24th-District Conference at Mountaineer. Let me know if you plan to attend.
* Reverse Raffle Discussion
o Overall thoughts and opinions-Great Event! We discussed some ideas to make it even better next year. If you have any more ideas, please let me know. Thank you for sharing. Honest and critical feedback is the only way we can get better every year.
o Ticket Sales-We are still awaiting money for some tickets especially mini-board tickets. Please check with your "sold" tickets for both big and mini-boards. We are waiting on payment from a few people.
o Auction Items-We will be sending out a Certificate of Appreciation instead of a form thank you letter. I will (with Shanna's help) work on this with Carol.
o Event Coordination-All payments are being finalized.
Fellowship: Deanna raised big money from those that didn't know that St. Patrick was actually Italian. Nice work, D!
50/50 Raffle Tickets Winner: Dave Buttar won, but he didn't win the big one. I think we have about $127K in there right now.
Speaker: Debbie Oliver (in place of Bob Hannon) from the United Way. I can't even begin to give Debbie justice. The United Way has a program to help people get up to 30% off their non-generic prescriptions. Please ask a fellow Rotarian or visit Great stuff.
Board Meeting: Please stay after for a few items next week. Our regular meeting will be Wed. March 31st @ 7:30am Lucianno's.
Inspirational Quote: We probably wouldn't worry about what people think of us if we could know how seldom they do. â€"Olin Mill
Finally, my thoughts on the Raffle, WOW! WOW! WOW! What an amazing group of people! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people supporting me this year. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
See you next week (and bring a friend).