In lieu of a speaker, Mike held an "Undress" Rehearsal for the Reverse Raffle. Undressed because if it was the raffle, then we would all be dressed nicely for the occasion. He mentioned setup at noon, members should arrive at 5:30 to help, cocktails at 6:30, which will be the time to sell 50/50 tickets and Chinese auctions, eat at 7:30, start raffle at 8:30, and Mike encouraged everyone to come forward to help during the raffle as a show of support.
The meal will be served buffet style due to increased costs and to improve the amount of the food available. If you have special requests for seating, Gary and Lisa need to know.
There are still 16 tickets that have not been taken, all others are considered sold if you have them.
President Michael Cafaro called the meeting to order.
Karl Rein opened with a prayer, salute to the flag, and God Bless America.
Visitors were Christina Daley from Poland and Ashley Hunsbarger as a prospective member from Austintown. She works for Wells Fargo in Boardman.
Song leader was Gary Reel. He chose #31 in book but nobody seemed to know it, so we did the old standard #4 SMILE.
- Mike announced that the 4 Way Speech Contest had to be postponed due to the death of a Fitch student who was active on the speech team. She was one of the students who was supposed to compete. It may occur next week or March 16. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.
- Board meeting at Lucianno's on this Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. All are welcome.
- Brian Laraway announced that he had attended the Pre-PETS (President Elect Training Session) meeting for the district and will attend the real thing in Columbus on weekend of March 13-15. Each club was asked to fill a 31 gallon container to be contributed to the Fisher Houses at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, which serves the same needs as Ronald McDonald houses. They assist families during hospitalizations at military hospitals. If all clubs do this, over 300 containers will be given, which should make a large donation. Since we have no meeting Mar. 9, Brian needs contributions at our March 2 meeting. The list includes many household products, travel size personal items, and others.
Actually the Wright-PattersonFisher House "Wish List" is as follows:
Paper/Plastic Products: Kleenex/Puffs, small boxes; paper towels, toilet paper, paper/plastic plates (dinner or lunch size) and bowls; plastic or styrofoam cups; plastic bags (sandwich, quart and glalon size); small 4 gallon size trash bags, trash/garbage bags.
Personal Items: disposable razors, bar soap, band aids (regular and latex free); travel size work well for shampoo and conditioner, hairspray (bottles or cans); toothpaste; mouthwash; shaving cream; small bottles of hand sanitizer.
Other Items: individually packages snack food items (cookies, pretzels, chips, crackers etc.); case of individual bottles of water; coffee creamer, sugar, sweetener; laundry detergent; phone cards; stamps; boxes of note cards and thank you cards; current DVDs and children's DVDs; crossword puzzle books, Sudoku puzzle books; bond paper for printers.
FELLOWSHIP: Brian Laraway fined anyone who did not watch or attend the Kelly Pavlik fight. $80 was collected toward a raffle ticket to be given away. We should finish that next week.