Posted by Susan Leetch on Oct 23, 2011

Guest Speaker at Austintown Rotary, Tony Stastny, was anything but a speaker in an earlier life. He was previously a truck driver who sold Air purifiers on the side for his brother. He is now not only a speaker, but a trainer as well and is very willing to give some networking tips to help you “grow your business”. He joined BNI a referral networking organization in 2002 and quickly recognized his passion for helping business owners and sales people connect. He became Area Director in 2004 for the Northeast Ohio area. He also has “The Next Level Workshop”. He has conducted over 50 successful training seminars that have enabled the Northeast Ohio region to become one of the most profitable referral networks in the world! He focuses his time helping people improve their relationship building skills, develop effective recruitment techniques and improve their sales abilities. You can contact Tony at his e-mail: or call him at 440-346-4056.