Posted by Susan Leetch
Jerry Haber introduced Susan Schwebel Epstein as our guest speaker, whom he described as the ultimate volunteer. Susan's dad was President of Boardman Rotary in the past, so she knows the importance of our groups, but she described her path to volunteerism as being rooted in her religion and her family tradition. The Jewish faith stresses repair of the world and acts of charity for the less fortunate. She went on to describe how her grandparents opened a bakery in Campbell and East Side to produce a special rye bread which her grandmother sold door to door. They were immigrants from what was then Austria Hungary but today Poland. Her grandfather died and 1928 leaving her grandmother to run the business and raise six children. Her grandmother died in 1964, but passed to her family the legacy of volunteerism and charity. Her words of wisdom still inspire Susan:"If you will it, it is no dream". Susan and her husband Bruce, an attorney, are very involved in the community.
Susan Leetch called the meeting to order. Gary opened with invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and God Bless America.

SONG LEADER: Hillary Prestridge led singing of America, both verses.

GUEST: was Bob Price from Boardman.

Karl was given permission from his mentor Gary to provide humor about an old man, a boy, and a donkey, well received and delivered. Jerry volunteered for duty at a later date.

ANNOUNCEMENTS * President Susan Leetch announced Rescue Mission and the 4 Way Speech Contest on Feb. 28.

* GSE team from area will leave Mar. 18 and team from Phillipines will arrive April 15.

* Vince Colaluca mentioned that Alec Tolich from Fitch is going to national competition for track again, not school sponsored but great honor in NY City, so cost is double from last year. We passed the hat and were able to collect $104. Vince will still take contributions.

* Deanna Spirko, incoming President, mentioned she had attended Pre-PETS in Salem last weekend, in anticipation of PETS (President Elect Training Session) in Columbus on Mar. 11 weekend. The new Presidents are doing a food drive of non perishables, so help her out next two meetings, as we will not be meeting Mar. 7 right after the Reverse Raffle and before her travel.

* Past President Michael Cafaro took the floor to encourage Raffle ticket sales, only 8 left but he wants them all sold in advance so we can concentrate on Chinese Auction and Mini Board tickets the night of the event. Melissa Crowley encouraged getting the Chinese Auction items to her, even if you just tell her what you are getting so she can make the table sheets in advance, citing the fact that it is tax season, she is mother of a one year old, and Harvey is plowing snow as proof she is busy, worked for me.

FELLOWSHIP: Brian Laraway was fellowship chairman and he fined anyone who watched more than 5 minutes of the Grammies, or hasn't paid for their tickets yet for the raffle, and then Gary and Karl for their humor contribution.

We drew for a Raffle ticket, and winner was Gary, already working on doing another among our members next week.

PROGRAM: Jerry Haber introduced Susan Schwebel Epstein as our guest speaker, whom he described as the ultimate volunteer. Susan's dad was President of Boardman Rotary in the past, so she knows the importance of our groups, but she described her path to volunteerism as being rooted in her religion and her family tradition. The Jewish faith stresses repair of the world and acts of charity for the less fortunate. She went on to describe how her grandparents opened a bakery in Campbell and East Side to produce a special rye bread which her grandmother sold door to door. They were immigrants from what was then Austria Hungary but today Poland. Her grandfather died and 1928 leaving her grandmother to run the business and raise six children. Her grandmother died in 1964, but passed to her family the legacy of volunteerism and charity. Her words of wisdom still inspire Susan:"If you will it, it is no dream". Susan and her husband Bruce, an attorney, are very involved in the community.

Toby closed with the quote by Ronald Reagan: Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.