Posted by Susan Leetch
Speaker for the meeting was local florist Deanna Hosey, owner of Something Unique For You shop on Mahoning Avenue, in front of WalMart. Deanna is part of a 4 generation Fitch family, and belives in making flowers inexpensive enough for all to afford. She mentioned her recovery from a fire last year as a triiumph, and does most of her shopping in Austintown to keep the money local. Deanna was an exchange student to Japan through Austintown Rotary during her high school days, sponsored by Dr. Murphy Morgan
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Laraway. Toby Mirto led invocation, pledge, and God Bless America.

VISITOR: Visitor from Youngstown Club was Herb Sauce, radio guy from WKBN Home Repair.

SONGLEADER: Robin Stock was song leader, used suggestion of our visitor from Youngstown club, "Smile", good choice.

Brian asked each for New Years' Resolutions, most had weight loss in mind, but Chuck wants to see OSU in all the Big 10 stadiums, done 5 so far. Robin mentioned that she had received a surprise birthday party last weekend, 35 guests. Hillary reported that she, Frank, and Robin, with help from guests, served Rescue Mission on Dec. 28.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:* Let Brian Frederick know if you want special arrangements on meals or dues.

* More student thanks for dictionaries at Lloyd School were passed through the club.

* Jan 11 (next Monday), blood drawing at Redeemer Lutheran from 2-6.

* Reverse Raffle is coming, Brian wants us to be moving on it early.

Jan. 25, no meeting but all 6 Division 1 clubs will meet at Holiday Inn in Boardman on Wednesday, Jan. 27 to hear Jean Irwin.

* RI Convention in Montreal in June.

* Austintown Trustees will meet this Thursday at 5, Twp. Hall, to discuss a Multigenerational Center for Austintown, since 28% of our citizens are retired.

* JANUARY 27: Jean Irwin, Educator of Deaf Children will be the speaker at a 6 club meeting to be held at noon at the Holiday Inn in Boardman.

Our club was asked to do the PR on this event. Info will be coming in.

* Susan and Tim Leetch are new parents, baby Owen Patrick born in late December.

* Mike Cafaro's grandmother passed away over the weekend.

Chuck Baker handled the induction of our newest member, Vince Colaluca, Supt. of Austintown Schools. Brian Laraway sponsored him. Vince is father of two, ages 9 and 11, married a Boardman girl so she made him live there! He mentioned that he wanted to be involved in a service group, and chose Rotary for all the good we do.

FELLOWSHIP: Mike fined anyone who missed OSU game or can't be here for Reverse Raffle.

RAFFLE: Ram Kasaganti won the drawing, but not the big one. Maybe it will help him with grief over YSU Presidency.

PROGRAM Speaker was Deanna Hosey, introduced by Deanna Spirko. Speaker is owner of Something Unique for You Florist on Mahoning Avenue, in front of WalMart. She is long term Austintown family member, 4th generation Fitch graduates. She believes in service to God and community, and is involved with food banks as year around collection spot. Deanna offers free delivery in Austintown, and believes flowers don't have to be expensive to be good, wants everyone to have them. Interestingly enough, Deanna was an exchange student to Japan through our club a number of years ago, and remembered Dr.Murphy Morgan as her counselor.

Toby closed with a quote by Pres. O'Bama while running for President, " I've been in 57 states -- I think one left to go."