Travel into a not-too-well-known country. Experience the life of the people of the much-oppressed Ukraine, especially the children. You will see it through the eyes of a Spirit-led, real life Santa. William Rhodes Dick (Bill) has written a true from the heart, love story between a real St. Nicholas and these children, but he does much more than delivering presents at Christmas. His description of the effects the Ukraine children have had on his life, and he on theirs, you can see how much he has accomplished, and how his mission means so much to him and the children. Bill is a compassionate Santa that can see the needs of these kids. Through his music ministry and his book, he will be able to help support the mission field to the children of the Ukraine. It is a look at a country that very few know anything about. The name of his book is Santa Meets Gods Ukrainian Children.It is available at www.buybooksonthe