Former President Mike Cafaro step in for Brian Laraway in his absence. We discussed the Reverse Raffle and ideas for improvement. We also discussed the Bike Night and Car Nights at Quaker Steak and Lube. We will be forming some new committees to help increase membership, projects, grants, and fund raising.
Dr. Michael Cafaro called the meeting to order, in place of Brian Laraway whose wife Shanna is in the process of having their baby.
Gary Reel gave the prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and God Bless America.
Visitor today was Mark Cole, his second visit, so hopefully we will be seeing him more often.
Deanna led singing of "Sing Rotarians", sounded good.
Mike announced:
Youngstown Rotary is having their Reverse Raffle at the Embassy on Apr. 30, $100. a person or $50. for just dinner.
Poland is having a lunch and 5 K run, see Brian for details.
Fireside Chat for our club is coming, details to follow.
GSE team dinner is Apr. 17 at Youngstown Country Club, $25. per person.
District Conference at Mountaineer Park, April 23-24, discounts available on rooms, see Brian.
We will be forming some new committees, especially membership, projects, fund raising, and grants.
Roadside cleanup on Kirk will be in April, date needs to be set.
We talked about the Reverse Raffle, and ideas for improvement. Mike stressed the value of selling out the tickets, which we achieved this year........if we can do it in this economy, we can do it anytime. Certificates of Appreciation were distributed, to be sent or delivered to those folks who donated to you for the Chinese Auction or Raffle.
We also talked about the car cruises and bike nights at Quaker Steak, we have 10 this year, guaranteed profit.
Tony Cebriak won the drawing, but not the big pot, still simmering.
We are all waiting to hear about the new baby in our Rotary family, sure we will see some pictures as soon as it happens.
IT HAPPENED!!!!!Congratulations to Brian and Shanna Laraway on the birth of their little girl, Quinn Elizabeth!!!!!
Gary Reel gave the prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and God Bless America.
Visitor today was Mark Cole, his second visit, so hopefully we will be seeing him more often.
Deanna led singing of "Sing Rotarians", sounded good.
Mike announced:
Youngstown Rotary is having their Reverse Raffle at the Embassy on Apr. 30, $100. a person or $50. for just dinner.
Poland is having a lunch and 5 K run, see Brian for details.
Fireside Chat for our club is coming, details to follow.
GSE team dinner is Apr. 17 at Youngstown Country Club, $25. per person.
District Conference at Mountaineer Park, April 23-24, discounts available on rooms, see Brian.
We will be forming some new committees, especially membership, projects, fund raising, and grants.
Roadside cleanup on Kirk will be in April, date needs to be set.
We talked about the Reverse Raffle, and ideas for improvement. Mike stressed the value of selling out the tickets, which we achieved this year........if we can do it in this economy, we can do it anytime. Certificates of Appreciation were distributed, to be sent or delivered to those folks who donated to you for the Chinese Auction or Raffle.
We also talked about the car cruises and bike nights at Quaker Steak, we have 10 this year, guaranteed profit.
Tony Cebriak won the drawing, but not the big pot, still simmering.
We are all waiting to hear about the new baby in our Rotary family, sure we will see some pictures as soon as it happens.
IT HAPPENED!!!!!Congratulations to Brian and Shanna Laraway on the birth of their little girl, Quinn Elizabeth!!!!!