Speaker was Shelly Alpeter, Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar for 2008-9. She is from Paris, Ohio and spent a year in Granada, Spain studying in an accellerated Masters program, packing two years of classes into one. Her major is translation of Spanish for consumer issues and businesses. She spent two years in the application process for this program, had lots of issues with proposals and visas to conquer, was given $23,000. from Rotary to cover living, tuition, travel and was able to return $8,000. for future ambassadors. During her year, she also attended many Rotary functions and worked as a volunteer in a shelter for immigrant families in Spain. Shelly was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oxford, Ohio, where she attended Miami University.Toby closed with the quote by Albert Einstein: "Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value" Remember to bring candy next Monday to help the Interact Club.
Oct. 12 - Columbus DayBrian opened the meeting, Toby conducted invocation, God Bless America, and pledge.Karl was song leader, used the Get Together song in honor of good things happening.Our special visitors today were Michael and Erica Cafaro, who were married just two days ago.Brian announced: Perfect attendance members will be honored next meeting due to absentees today.We had 23 helpers for Roadside Cleanup on Saturday, 10 of which were from Interact. It went very well, Ron thanked all who participated. Brian also thanked those who helped with the picnic that followed at Township Park, we looked at the Celebration Grove and were impressed with the growth of the trees. Ron also thanked Toby and Carol for work getting dictionaries ready for delivery, and those who delivered, thinks all or most are finished by now. Melissa Crowley spoke about Hope House in Youngstown, we are helping Interact Club at Fitch gather Halloween candy to donate to kids there, next Monday is last day for it, bring candy or money, quite a bit came today. Gary spoke about work of Interact Club, about 45 members now, do a major recycling project at Fitch as paper can no longer be burned, teams collect weekly from classrooms and offices. They will also be doing Rescue Mission and Salvation Army bell with us.Bruce Laraway was introduced as new International chair, great to see new member in action. Save The Date cards for our Reverse Raffle are still available, send to those you sold to last year and think are potentials for this year. Gary distributed flyers for State Issue 2, dealing with food inspection that is strongly endorsed for a YES vote by Ohio Farm Bureau, the folks most affected by it. This will prevent out of state groups from controlling this vital program if we have our own.Fellowship: Gary fined anyone who didn't help last weekend and didn't pay last week.Toby won the little raffle but not the big one. Speaker was Shelly Alpeter, Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar for 2008-9. She is from Paris, Ohio and spent a year in Granada, Spain studying in an accellerated Masters program, packing two years of classes into one. Her major is translation of Spanish for consumer issues and businesses. She spent two years in the application process for this program, had lots of issues with proposals and visas to conquer, was given $23,000. from Rotary to cover living, tuition, travel and was able to return $8,000. for future ambassadors. During her year, she also attended many Rotary functions and worked as a volunteer in a shelter for immigrant families in Spain. Shelly was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oxford, Ohio, where she attended Miami University.Toby closed with the quote by Albert Einstein: "Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value" Remember to bring candy next Monday to help the Interact Club.