President Michael Cafaroopened the meeting. Ram Kasuganti led in the prayer, pledge, and singing of God Bless America.
VISITORS: Tom Keller from Canfield and Assistant District Governor, Mary Ann Martinko, from Poland.
SONG LEADER: Carol led us in a song from our new songbook, "Let us Grow, Let us Grow, Let us Growl." Ask Carol about that one.
- Brian gave us an update on the Spring Assembly. A major push is on for Club Runner. Please see him to help out. Also, see Brian if you are not receiving yours.
- District Governor Elect Doug Simpson reviewed his goals for the clubs in the District. They are as follows:
- +1 means one more new member per club.
- Polio Plus funding of at least $1000 for the Bill Gates Challenge.
- Fun and Fellowship were all stressed.
- Sponsoring and hosting an exchange student is high on the list.
- Water and Sanitation also were deemed important projects.
- So far, President Michael affirmed we have done 4 out of the 5.
- May 17 Austintown Lions and American Legion sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast 8-2 at Austintown Community Church.
- Rescue Mission May 28. Signup sheet going around.
- May 28 - Pub of the Month: a 6 club venture from 6-9 at the Youngstown Club - Cash bar and they will open the dining room. Excellent food!!! We will need number attending.
- June 8 St. Jude Golf Outing at Salem Hills.
- June 21 - Scrappers Game for Austintown Night.
- President's Roast will be June 27 at Mojo's, 7 p.m., start thinking of ways to
toastroast Mike. - July 4 Free Fireworks at Canfield. Canfield club needs help most especially with parking the thousands who will attend. They will open the fairgrounds at 6 p.m. with fireworks around 10. Also Austintown needs help with the parade. About 10 will be needed - we have 7 signed up.
- We will have our June 8 meeting at the Austintown Library for a change of pace.
- Rotary night at Quaker Steak will be May 24 and June 14 with the funds raised going to Polio Plus as a contribution for this year.
- New shirts will be ordered and, hopefully, ready for May 24 night at Quaker. Let Mike know your size. We will also use them for June 14, July 2 and August 13. The Quaker Steak final details will be upcoming.
- President Mike received the Governor's Award for Ohio Reads - Best Literacy Activity.
FELLOWSHIP: Susan fined anyone who did not e-mail Melissa about July 4th.
RAFFLE: Yea!!! Melissa won the little one - Brian Pretoka won the ticket. No queen.
PROGRAM: Ron Massullo, Regional Liaison for Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, proves for an interesting program. He was very articulate, very "down to earth" and very informative. Ron gave an inside view of what it's like to represent the Secretary of State on the eastern side of Ohio with a region stretching from Lake Erie to the Ohio River. He resides in Poland.
Jennifer Brunner is the first female in this position as Secretary of State previously serving with Sharrod Brown. In 2008 she was awarded the coveted "Profile In Courage" award at a ceremony in Boston with 1800 people in attendance. Only two people per year are given this honor, so it is quite a distinction. Carolyn Kennedy personally called her to give her the news she was chosen.
1. Restore trust to Ohio Elections. They want citizens to have faith that Ohio elections are free, fair, open and honest to encourage the highest level of participation in our democracy. There were zero cases of voter fraud in the last election. They would also like to eliminate special elections. Last year schools in 8 counties held special elections costing the state and schools a lot of money.
2. Ensure business filings are quick, efficient and easy to retrieve.
3. Protect Social Security numbers from public access.
4. Implement "Better Lives, Better Ohio," also known as a life quality index. This is to provide the governor and legislature with the best information available on Ohio wage earners and family well-being to promote solid budget and policy decisions and to inform new employers that Ohioans are a strong and competent workforce.
The Ohio Secretary of State wants to make starting your business in Ohio a rewarding experience. In doing that they want to simplify this process and provide you with available resources for more guidance and in-depth information. For more information on forming your business these resources are available from the Secretary of State's Business Service Section: Customer Service at 877-SOS-FILE (767-3453).