Posted by Susan Leetch
Stephanie Jeffers from Ringo Deals met with the Rotary Club of Austintown. This is a company started by Amy Murray two years ago to help market and promote businesses in the community and raise money for various charities throughout the County. The idea started when Amy would always forget her coupons, or be in a place and remember that she had coupons at home for this product. She then created a program that would help our local schools, churches and non-profit organizations raise much needed funding that wouldnt consist of purchasing poor quality, out of state or even out of this country produced products. She went to local businesses and got the best deals directly from them. Their first publication in the spring of 2009 brought in over $3,000 in deals. The coupons are mounted on a ring and normally sell for $25.00 per set with savings over $3,000. The end of year sale price is now $15.00. They make great gifts for this time of year. This offer ends January 2, 2010. They have now moved into Trumbull County with 70 businesses giving their best deals in order to attract business. They are presently working with United Way to promote the idea.They have a website at
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Larawayl Karl Rein led the invocation, pledge of allegiance, and singing God Bless America.

VISITORS: were Vince Collaluca, Superintendent of Austintown Local Schools, and Anthony Magnetta, associate of Mike Sciortino and last but never least, the new Mrs. Ericka Cafaro

GARY told some "Tiger Woods" jokes and received lots of yuks from his captive audience.

Brian asked for some input on his memo titled "What does Austintown Rotary do?". We were asked to contribute our comments to enable Brian to put together a piece to let prospective members know what we do.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:* Saturday, Dec. 12 -- we ring the bell for Salvation Army at Santisi's IGA, all day in one hour shifts, nice and dry and warm there.

* Dr. Mike Cafaro reported on our pub social held at 5th Season Restaurant on Mahoning Avenue last Thursday. He thanked all who showed up and reported that everyone had a great time.

* Friday, Dec. 11 -- our Christmas Party at 5th Season BANQUET CENTER on Rt. 46 near Mineral Ridge, bring a $10. gift or two unwrapped for Akron Children's Hospital include batteries if needed. Gather at 6:30 p.m., eat at 7. Mike and Ericka have a nice party planned, lets have a good showing.

* There will be no meeting for the club on Dec. 14 or Dec. 28 --mark your calendar. There will not be a board meeting in December.

* JANUARY 27: Jean Irwin, Educator of Deaf Children will be the speaker at a 6 club meeting to be held at noon at the Holiday Inn in Boardman. Our club was asked to do the PR on this event. Info will be coming in.

* JANUARY 25 - NO MEETING (none of the other clubs are having a meeting that week due to the January 27 event.)

* JANUARY 27 - Jean Irwin from Reno will speak to the 6 clubs held at Holiday Inn.

Chuck Baker gave a Rotary minute about Paul Harris on the cover and asked questions that not too many could answer about our founder.

Bruce Laraway reported that on November 7, more than 1600 joined Rotary for UN Day in New York City. The one mission was Polio Plus. You can check it out on the Rotary International Website.

FELLOWSHIP: Chuck Baker fined Gary for not wearing glasses (unable to read the Tiger stuff) and Carol was blamed for bringing the snow. (really Chuck??? very weak!!)

RAFFLE: No raffle today.

INTERACT rang bells for Salvation Army on Saturday and did very well.

PROGRAM(S):Santa "Bill" Meets with Austintown Rotary

Travel into a not-too-well-known country. Experience the life of the people of the much-oppressed Ukraine, especially the children. You will see it through the eyes of a Spirit-led, real life Santa. William Rhodes Dick (Bill) has written a true from the heart, love story between a real St. Nicholas and these children, but he does much more than delivering presents at Christmas.

His description of the effects the Ukraine children have had on his life, and he on theirs, you can see how much he has accomplished, and how his mission means so much to him and the children. Bill is a compassionate Santa that can see the needs of these kids. Through his music ministry and his book, he will be able to help support the mission field to the children of the Ukraine. It is a look at a country that very few know anything about.

The name of his book is Santa Meets God's Ukrainian Children. It is available at www.buybooksonthe

Ringo Deals welcomed by Austintown Rotary

Stephanie Jeffers from Ringo Deals met with us also. Ringo deals is a company started by Amy Murray two years ago to help market and promote businesses in the community and raise money for various charities throughout the County. The idea started when Amy would always forget her coupons, or be in a place and remember that she had coupons at home for this product. She then created a program that would help our local schools, churches and non-profit organizations raise much needed funding that wouldn't consist of purchasing poor quality, out of state or even out of this country produced products. She went to local businesses and got the best deals directly from them. Their first publication in the spring of 2009 brought in over $3,000 in deals. The coupons are mounted on a ring and normally sell for $25.00 per set with savings over $3,000. The end of year sale price is now $15.00. They make great gifts for this time of year. This offer ends January 2, 2010. They have now moved into Trumbull County with 70 businesses giving their best deals in order to attract business. They are presently working with United Way to promote the idea. They have a website at