Posted by Susan Leetch
PROGRAM:Deanna introduced Tricia Perry from the Rich Autism center at YSU. In 1994, a young couple from Rich/Rubino family were killed in plane crash, and families wanted to do something to memorialize them. YSU donated the space and utilities, but only room for 55 students at present, volunteers have to raise $20,000. per student to match state donation. There are 30 staff members. Autism affects 1 birth out of 150, but can strike in children ages 2-4 at rate of 1:91. Thanks Tricia for a very informative program.
President Brian Laraway opened the meeting. Karl Rein led with invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, and God Bless America.

Visitors: Guest was Vince Colalucca, Supt. of Austintown Schools.

Song leader Chuck Baker led singing with Battle Hymn of Republic.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:* Gary and Karl reported on a ramp built last Friday for a boy with Cerebral Palsy, goes to Frank Ohl School and lives on Raccoon Rd. by the fire station. Two volunteers from the Optimist Club also helped, making it a joint project with another club. The four men were able to complete the project in one day, and left a happy family to enjoy safety.

* Rescue Mission is Nov. 23, Hillary passed a sheet for volunteers.

* Important dates:

* November 21 - Pub of the Month for 6 clubs at Paecentrano Club, $8. for wine/cheese

*Dec. 3 - Our own Pub of Month at Fifth Season on Mahoning Av., 6 p.m., bring friends to show this feature of Rotary* Dec. 7 - our meeting will also be at the Fifth Season on Mahoning for lunch, opening just for us.

* Dec. 11 - Our Christmas Party at Fifth Season Banquet Center on Rt. 46, bring toys for Akron Children's Hospital

* Dec. 12 - We ring the bell for Salvation Army at Santisi's

* No meeting Dec. 14 or 28 due to party and holidays

* Jan 27, 2010 - Jean Irwin will speak at Holiday Inn for 6 clubs at noon, so no meeting for us on Jan. 25

* "AwesomeTown" meeting to plan an event similar to Oktoberfest in Austintown, Nov. 19, Tony Cebriak will represent our club.

Chuck gave a Rotary minute, citing article about Izaac Perlman, violinist who contracted polio as a youth and had to play seated. First performed on Ed Sullivan show at age 13, later at Carnegie Hall age 17. He will be doing a benefit next month to help eliminate polio.

Bruce Laraway talked about the Group Study Exchange program, has sent out 65,000 young professionals since 1965.

FELLOWSHIP: Mitch had fellowship, fined anyone who didn't watch Ohio State in overtime/ Mitch also won the drawing but not the right Queen.

PROGRAM:Deanna introduced Tricia Perry from the Rich Autism center at YSU. In 1994, a young couple from Rich/Rubino family were killed in plane crash, and families wanted to do something to memorialize them. YSU donated the space and utilities, but only room for 55 students at present, volunteers have to raise $20,000. per student to match state donation. There are 30 staff members. Autism affects 1 birth out of 150, but can strike in children ages 2-4 at rate of 1:91. Thanks Tricia for a very informative program.