R.E.S.T.O.R.E. was founded by Dr. Michael K. Obeng, Chief of Plastic Surgery at St. Elizabeth Boardman Health Center.Many developing countries shun those afflicted with congenital or accidental deformities and look upon them as outcasts or "freaks". Often, their own families hide them from the general public to spare them from either being ridiculed or physically harmed because of their disfigured appearance. Coming from his own humble beginnings in Ghana, he witnessed the devastating effects of disease, illness and the negative social consequences of deformities attributed to supernatural forces. Responding to the plight of these individuals is the focus of RESTORE. It is a non-profit private medical services organization that provides free reconstructive surgery and related medical services to abused children and battered individuals with these deformities.All volunteers who participate in RESTORE's mission do so at their own will without compensation. But there are still costs to provide medical and surgical supplies, to transport the team and provide lodging.Anyone wishing to help may contact them at 1-888-399-0794 or e-mail them at restoreworldwideinc@gmali.com. You can visit their website at:www.restoreworldwideinc.org. Shown: Deanna Spirko with Dr. Michae Obeng founder of R.E.S.T.O.R.E.
Deanna Spirko sitting in for President Susan Leetch opened the meeting and asked Gary Reel to lead the invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, and God Bless America.
SONGLEADER: Songleader Ram Kasuganti led us in 2 stazas of "America The Beautiful".
Visitors: Jim Jickess, Stuthers and Dr. Michael Obeng, our speaker.Gary Reel told a "dumb blonde" joke. Laughter was not overwhelming.
* Deanna announced that all schools have received their dictionaries* San Salvadore Project: still collecting CD's and Popcorn.
* Leadership Conference in Canton was changed to Nov. 13, Ron cannot gothat day so we need a representative.
* Raffle tickets for Taste of Austintown were delivered by Carol, we sell them for $5. and keep half of money. Good project. NO EXPENSE TO US.
* Melissa announced that the candy for Hope House was a success. Thank you received from Carole Bopp, Board of Directors.
* Melissa is selling the calendars again this year. Your chance to win $$$$.
Chuck Baker noted that Juan Forestor working for Catholic Relief organized projects for San Salvadore. Proof of what can be done.
FELLOWSHIP: Mark Cole had fellowship and fined anyone who didn't go to thelast Fitch game in Austintown.
RAFFLE: Gary won the little one - but not the biggie.
PROGRAM: Ron Carroll introduced Dr. Michael Obeng, Chief of Plastic Surgery at St. Elizabeth Boardman Health Center and founder of R.E.S.T.O.R.E.Many developing countries shun those afflicted with congenital or accidental deformities and look upon them as outcasts or "freaks". Often, their own families hide them from the general public to spare them from either being ridiculed or physically harmed because of their disfigured appearance.
Coming from his own humble beginnings in Ghana, he witnessed the devastating effects of disease, illness and the negative social consequences of deformities attributed to supernatural forces. Responding to the plight of these individuals is the focus of RESTORE. It is a non-profit private medical services organization that provides free reconstructive surgery and related medical services to abused children and battered individuals with these deformities.All volunteers who participate in RESTORE's mission do so at their own will without compensation. But there are still costs to provide medical and surgical supplies, to transport the team and provide lodging.Anyone wishing to help may contact them at 1-888-399-0794 or e-mail them at restoreworldwideinc@gmali.com. You can visit their website at: www.restoreworldwideinc.org.
SONGLEADER: Songleader Ram Kasuganti led us in 2 stazas of "America The Beautiful".
Visitors: Jim Jickess, Stuthers and Dr. Michael Obeng, our speaker.Gary Reel told a "dumb blonde" joke. Laughter was not overwhelming.
* Deanna announced that all schools have received their dictionaries* San Salvadore Project: still collecting CD's and Popcorn.
* Leadership Conference in Canton was changed to Nov. 13, Ron cannot gothat day so we need a representative.
* Raffle tickets for Taste of Austintown were delivered by Carol, we sell them for $5. and keep half of money. Good project. NO EXPENSE TO US.
* Melissa announced that the candy for Hope House was a success. Thank you received from Carole Bopp, Board of Directors.
* Melissa is selling the calendars again this year. Your chance to win $$$$.
Chuck Baker noted that Juan Forestor working for Catholic Relief organized projects for San Salvadore. Proof of what can be done.
FELLOWSHIP: Mark Cole had fellowship and fined anyone who didn't go to thelast Fitch game in Austintown.
RAFFLE: Gary won the little one - but not the biggie.
PROGRAM: Ron Carroll introduced Dr. Michael Obeng, Chief of Plastic Surgery at St. Elizabeth Boardman Health Center and founder of R.E.S.T.O.R.E.Many developing countries shun those afflicted with congenital or accidental deformities and look upon them as outcasts or "freaks". Often, their own families hide them from the general public to spare them from either being ridiculed or physically harmed because of their disfigured appearance.
Coming from his own humble beginnings in Ghana, he witnessed the devastating effects of disease, illness and the negative social consequences of deformities attributed to supernatural forces. Responding to the plight of these individuals is the focus of RESTORE. It is a non-profit private medical services organization that provides free reconstructive surgery and related medical services to abused children and battered individuals with these deformities.All volunteers who participate in RESTORE's mission do so at their own will without compensation. But there are still costs to provide medical and surgical supplies, to transport the team and provide lodging.Anyone wishing to help may contact them at 1-888-399-0794 or e-mail them at restoreworldwideinc@gmali.com. You can visit their website at: www.restoreworldwideinc.org.