PROGRAM: Our Speaker was Carol Sutton, Principal at Woodside Elementary. She thanked the club generously for our support of Woodside Reads, a replacement for the state's Ohio Reads. 44 children were helped by 15 mentors as they read 250 books. The mentors were screened by the BCI at their own expense, which is admirable as many are senior citizens. Woodside is especially needy in this area as 80% of the students are from single parent homes or live with extended family.
Carol also commented on the need to replace Austintown's elementary schools due to their age and being out of date. There are currently meetings and input is being garnered from the public. It appears the consensus so far is to build two new buildings to replace the 4 elementary schools and Frank Ohl. Each of the new buildings would house about 1000 students. The state will fund 46% of the cost of the new buildings and removal of t
The meeting was called to order by President Michael Cafaro.
INVOCATION: Gary Reel led us in the prayer, the pledge, and the singing of God Bless America.
VISITOR:Ryan McQuillan from Poland, who will be a summer intern in Leanna Mathis' office.
SONG LEADER: Brian Larawayled us in the Get Together song.
- Rescue Mission-we will be serving dinner on Monday, May 25. Thanks to Tony, Gary, and Hillary for keeping this going. Others welcome to come at 5:15 until 7:30 since Interact kids will not be able to attend.
- We will have our First Car Cruise fund raiser at Quaker Steak and Lube on Sunday, May 24 from 5-8. We will wear our new shirts that can be picked up at Mike's office on Friday or at the cruise. We will sell 50/50 tickets and Scrapper tickets, good for any game at $7.00 each. We get to keep $3 from each one sold.
- Kelly Banfield will take care of getting flowers for the corner of Raccoon Rd. We're looking to plant after June 1. Thanks Kelly!
- Fourth of July parade is a go; we will help Canfield decorate the float on July 2.
- May 28 is the next social for 6 clubs at Youngstown Club on Commerce St.. This one will be hosted by Youngstown from 6-9 p.m. Please stay for dinner and fellowship after as appetizers and music will be available throughout the event.
- President's Party will be June 27 at Mojo's.
- Board meeting this month will be on Thursday (different from the usual), May 28 at Lucianno's at 7:30 a.m.
FELLOWSHIP: Susan Leetch had fellowship and fined anyone not helping at Rescue Mission next Monday. Lots of money collected there. Remember, we don't have a meeting next Monday because of Memorial Day.
RAFFLE:Brian Pretoka won the drawing, but not the big one. It was painful because he pulled a Queen (just not the right one).