Posted by Gary Reel

PROGRAM:Program was speaker from Forum Health, Patricia Hrina, who is public relations officer.  Forum has 4000 employees at their 5 locations, including North Side, Trumbull Memorial, Hillside Rehab, Austintown and Elm Rd. Immediate Care.   They are the second largest employer in the valley.  83 medical residents are on the staff with 33 more coming in July to cover those graduating.  Austintown Immediate Care had 10,000 cases in 2008.  Wages are over $170 million and benefits cost $50 million.  North Side has won many 5 Star Awards and is reducing its debt from $174 million to $85 million over 3 years.  North Side delivered 1300 babies in 2008. Thank you, Patricia, for a great program.

President Michael Cafaro opened the meeting, and Gary Reel led in the prayer, pledge, and singing God Bless America.


VISITORS:Tom Keller from Canfield and Christina Dailey from Poland. 


SONG LEADER: Ram Kasugantiled us in song: When The Saints Go Marching In.   



  • President's Roast will be June 27 at Mojo's at 7 p.m. Start thinking of ways to toast Mike. 
  • Donna asked for our help with the July 4 Free Fireworks at Canfield, especially with parking the thousands who will attend.  They will open the fairgrounds at 6 p.m. with fireworks around 10.  Board will decide at April 29 meeting if it is possible with our Parade earlier that day. Please let Mike know your thoughts. 
  • Spring District Assembly this Saturday at Salem from 9-12, lunch, then breakout sessions 1-3. New officers, let him know if you can go.  
  • We will have our June 8 meeting at the Austintown Library for a change of pace.  
  • Rotary night at Quaker Steak will be May 24 and June 14. The funds raised go to Polio Plus contribution for this year.  
  • New shirts will be ordered, and, hopefully, ready for May 24 night.  

FELLOWSHIP:Mitch conducted fellowship by fining those with no badges and Rotary pins. Always a big winner.


RAFFLE: Robin again won the little one, but not the big one. The Queen lives.