Posted by Gary Reel

PROGRAM: Program today was a presentation by Anthony Farris of the Mahoning Valley Thunder, our local semi-pro team.  Players there are not local, but recent college graduates who want to make it to the AFL.  There are 25 teams in this league with the closest being in Wilkes Barre, Pa. However, Toledo will add one next season.  With only 8 home games, they try to do a lot of promotions to get fans to their games and want to be part of the community.  All games are played at the Chevy Center, and tickets start at $12. Family events are common.  The players live at the Brandywine Apartments in Cornersburg, and most food expenses are covered.  Their website is if you want more information.  Anthony talked with our own Dr. Ram Kasaganti, candidate for new President of YSU, about having some games there once Ram is elevated.

President Michael Cafaro opened the meeting, and Gary Reel led in the prayer, pledge, and singing God Bless America.


Visitors: Donna Buzulencia from Canfield.


Song leader David Buttar Leanna Mathes led singing of a Carol Fye original, "Let Us Grow" which went great until the last verse, check it out Carol (even Cole Porter had his bad days Gary!).  



  • Mike announced Roadside Cleanup for this Saturday. Be at Smith Corners Church at 9 a.m. for some snacks and coffee, then cleanup on Kirk and be done before 11. Rain or shine.  
  • Rescue Mission -- we serve dinner next Monday at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m..  
  • Rotary Board meeting April 29 at Lucianno's at 7:30 a.m. This counts as a makeup.  
  • President's Roast will be June 27 at Mojo's at 7 p.m. Please start thinking of ways to toast Mike. 
  • Donna asked for our help with the July 4 Free Fireworks at Canfield, especially with parking the thousands who will attend.  They will open the fairgrounds at 6 p.m. with fireworks around 10.  Board will decide at April 29 meeting. Please let Mike know your thoughts. 


Mike enthusiastically gave the results of the District Conference at Canton last weekend.  Since it had a football theme (due to the closeness to the Pro Hall of Fame), Mike reminded us that TEAM has no I in it, whereas IDIOT has two of them. 


We were one of the few clubs to get an International Rotary citation from President D.K. Lee, and also a Club Activity Report award from Gov. Bob Paddison. 


Mike also passed around our three entries in  the district awards contest, which recognize outstanding efforts in 7 areas. 


He was especially happy to receive the Emmet Riley award for literacy, based on our Woodside Reads project, and to have the award presented by Past District Governor Riley himself, who mentioned that he would like to visit Woodside and see the results himself. 


Thanks to Erica Cunningham for preparing the award scrapbook, also to Carol Fye and Lisa Frederick for their efforts on the other entries.  Mike said he was especially proud of all the things we do as a club when compared to many others, "the best little club in this part of the state".  Mike also quoted Winston Churchill -  "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Quite appropriate for Rotary members. 


FELLOWSHIP: Susan Leetch fined anyone who didn't make it to the District Conference.


RAFFLE: Mitch Dalvin won the little raffle, but not the big one, still growing.