Speaker at the recent meeting was Jack Ciarnello of Take Note Productions, a local company located on Kirk Road. Starting with piano lessons and providing accompaniment for local musicians, Ciarnello has expanded to creating audition tapes for Youngstown State students and helping local musicians get their "break" in the recording businesss. He mentioned that the growth of digital technology has enabled professional quality with less equipment and investment. He is now expanding into video production, proof reading, and advertising. He is a 1977 Fitch graduate who is growing his business locally. Pictured is Rotary President Brian Laraway (left) presenting a library book for Woodside Library to Jack Ciarnello in appreciation of his speaking to Austintown Rotary
Brian Laraway called the meeting to order at Lucianno's, trying out some new food and service. Karl Rein provided invocation, and we pledged allegiance to small flag provided by Bruce Laraway's brief case, finished with God Bless America to amuse the restaurant patrons.
SONGLEADER: Mike Sciortino led us in, "When The Saints Go Marching In" as finale to Super Bowl.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:* Dave Buttar passed around postcards from D and E Counseling Center, followup to previous speaker.
* Brian announced that we will be working at 5 car cruises and bike nights this summer, good money maker for polio plus.
* Rescue Mission is Feb. 22 fo our group, Hillary has sign up sheet.
* 4 Way Speech Contest will be Feb. 22.
* RYLA is Feb. 26 to 28 at Avalon Inn, we are sponsoring two delegates. They are looking for assistant facilitators and items for goodie bags, need 100 of non political items.
* Gary reported that he visited Tom and Maria Fok last week, doing well with limited adventures on icy roads.
* Rotary sponsoring at bus trip to NY City, Mar. 19-21 red eye special, cost $100. if in by Feb. 14, $125. in by March 1
* April 23-24 is District Conference at Mountaineer Park, looks like a good time.* Deanna Spirko announced that only 34 tickets are left for Reverse Raffle; if you have any unsold, they must be turned in by Feb. 15 or you own them. We raffled off one, Bob Senn was winner. Looks like we would be sold out if EACH member sold just ONE more, can you help? Rachel Solida accepting items for Chinese auction, please get the things you got last year or a replacement. Mike is meeting with the caterer this Thursday to decide on menu and arrangements, let him know any input or if you wish to be part of that meeting.
FELLOWSHIP: Rachel fined anyone who had mixed feelings about SuperBowl and if you didn't like the halftime, big crowd for that one.
RAFFLE: Gary won the little raffle ($6.) but no cards were there to see about the big one (somebody pick for me next week, will be out of town).
Chuck is just back from Yellowstone and winter wonders there, talked about the pictures from Make A Difference Day in our magazine.
PROGRAM Speaker today was Jack Ciarnello, long term Austintown guy who runs Take Note Productions from his home on Kirk Road. Tony encouraged Jack to speak, he does it well. His music ability turned into an opening to produce sample tapes for music majors at YSU, and now is expanding again from just audio to add video and proof reading with help of his wife Crystal. The amount of equipment needed to produce great sound has been reduced so that many people are getting into it, and with Internet and social pages, new talent is being discovered without the BIG LABEL folks who dominated the industry years ago. He congratulated Rotary on our achievements on the world level, based on the website that he checked out, and on the local level, based on the news he sees and hears. He might be able to help Ram with his next run for YSU president.
SONGLEADER: Mike Sciortino led us in, "When The Saints Go Marching In" as finale to Super Bowl.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:* Dave Buttar passed around postcards from D and E Counseling Center, followup to previous speaker.
* Brian announced that we will be working at 5 car cruises and bike nights this summer, good money maker for polio plus.
* Rescue Mission is Feb. 22 fo our group, Hillary has sign up sheet.
* 4 Way Speech Contest will be Feb. 22.
* RYLA is Feb. 26 to 28 at Avalon Inn, we are sponsoring two delegates. They are looking for assistant facilitators and items for goodie bags, need 100 of non political items.
* Gary reported that he visited Tom and Maria Fok last week, doing well with limited adventures on icy roads.
* Rotary sponsoring at bus trip to NY City, Mar. 19-21 red eye special, cost $100. if in by Feb. 14, $125. in by March 1
* April 23-24 is District Conference at Mountaineer Park, looks like a good time.* Deanna Spirko announced that only 34 tickets are left for Reverse Raffle; if you have any unsold, they must be turned in by Feb. 15 or you own them. We raffled off one, Bob Senn was winner. Looks like we would be sold out if EACH member sold just ONE more, can you help? Rachel Solida accepting items for Chinese auction, please get the things you got last year or a replacement. Mike is meeting with the caterer this Thursday to decide on menu and arrangements, let him know any input or if you wish to be part of that meeting.
FELLOWSHIP: Rachel fined anyone who had mixed feelings about SuperBowl and if you didn't like the halftime, big crowd for that one.
RAFFLE: Gary won the little raffle ($6.) but no cards were there to see about the big one (somebody pick for me next week, will be out of town).
Chuck is just back from Yellowstone and winter wonders there, talked about the pictures from Make A Difference Day in our magazine.
PROGRAM Speaker today was Jack Ciarnello, long term Austintown guy who runs Take Note Productions from his home on Kirk Road. Tony encouraged Jack to speak, he does it well. His music ability turned into an opening to produce sample tapes for music majors at YSU, and now is expanding again from just audio to add video and proof reading with help of his wife Crystal. The amount of equipment needed to produce great sound has been reduced so that many people are getting into it, and with Internet and social pages, new talent is being discovered without the BIG LABEL folks who dominated the industry years ago. He congratulated Rotary on our achievements on the world level, based on the website that he checked out, and on the local level, based on the news he sees and hears. He might be able to help Ram with his next run for YSU president.