Posted by Susan Leetch
Speaker was Francesca Kostek from the American Cancer Society. Their big event is the Relay for Life, which has been going on for 27 years nationwide and last 12 in Austintown and this area. Last year 200 survivors marched to open Austintown event, which was 50 more than the past. We served a dinner for them with the help of Walgreen and the Interact Club. Event raised over $100,000. so it was a grand success, this year date is June 10-11 at Fitch. She also talked about the many services for cancer patients that this event pays for, such as Hope Lodge in Cleveland and Cincinnati, Patient Navigators who provide social services for patients, and Reach for Recovery, which provides transportation for those in need.
Susan Leetch called the meeting to order, and Gary gave invocation, pledge of allegiance, and led God Bless America.

Song leader: Deanna Spirko was song leader, using Hail to Rotary, tune of Anchors Aweigh.

GUESTS WERE: Jennifer Connelly from Briarfield at Ashley Circle, also Amanda Frost from Poland Rotary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS* Susan announced that our meeting on Jan. 24 will be at Williamson School of Business on the campus of YSU, led by Ram Kasaganti, YSU Presidential candidate, sign up sheet went around so enough meals will be provided.

* Susan announced that surplus dictionaries were donated to Rescue Mission, and our next date to serve is Jan. 24.

* Gary is collecting items for RYLA goodie bags, need 100 of any item such as pads, snacks, pens, etc.

* Amanda Frost announced the Poland Rotary Chili Open, with a dinner at the Georgetown on Jan. 28 and golf on Feb. 26.

* Mike Cafaro spoke about our Reverse Raffle on March 5, still about 40 tickets that haven't even been taken, be sure you have yours to sell, every member needed, see Deanna. Dave Buttar has the 50/50 mini board tickets. Next meeting we will start raffling off an extra one to members @$5. a chance or 3 for $10, auctioned off a few last year that way. Chinese auction items go to Melissa Crowley or Susan. Susan will be e-mailing a letter you can use to solicit items.

* Mark Cole will be leaving Wednesday for El Salvador representing our club in a district project at an orphanage.

FELLOWSHIP: Chuck fined anyone without both badge and pin, as usual for him.

Rotary Minute: Chuck Baker talked about the Rotarian magazine, that started out selling at 10 cents an issue or 25 cents a year, has had golf pictures on cover several times and boats over 60 times.

RAFFLE: Toby won the drawing, but the queen still lives.

PROGRAM:Speaker was Francesca Kostek from the American Cancer Society. Their big event is the Relay for Life, which has been going on for 27 years nationwide and last 12 in Austintown and this area. Last year 200 survivors marched to open Austintown event, which was 50 more than the past. We served a dinner for them with the help of Walgreen and the Interact Club. Event raised over $100,000. so it was a grand success, this year date is June 10-11 at Fitch. She also talked about the many services for cancer patients that this event pays for, such as Hope Lodge in Cleveland and Cincinnati, Patient Navigators who provide social services for patients, and Reach for Recovery, which provides transportation for those in need.