Posted by Susan Leetch on Apr 24, 2011

Bill Pitzer, Independent Insurance Agent, advises that most people want to stay in their homes rather than a nursing home, but there are many reasons people find themselves looking to long-term care.  One out of two will go the hospital before death or long term care. Cancer will occur in 3 out of 4 families.  39% will require long term care.  

Financial Planning in the form of insurance for long term care is the answer for many.  It is a way to take control of your independence while giving you peace of mind to know that you have the access and ability to afford quality care. By using an Independent agent, a computer analysis can be done with over 20 different companies to give you the best price available.  You can contact Bill at 1-800-630-3442. 

Shown in picture, Bill Pitzer, Susan Leetch and assistant to Mr. Pitzer, Electra Lakomy. 

President Susan Leetch called the meeting to order, asking Gary Reel (between phone calls) to lead invocation, pledge and God Bless America. 

Visitors:  Guests were Bill Pitzer and Electra Lakomy, Long Term Care Insurance Agents.  

Song Leader:  Ron Carrol led us in the “Get Together” song. 


              April 29-30 District Conference. You can still register on the website. Held at Stark County Fairgrounds

               Thank You’s will be coming for the Reverse Raffle.

              April 29: Rescue Mission at 5:15 PM.

              May 7: 5 K Run Poland Clue - The Derby Dash at McKinley Elementary. there is a signup.

              May 23 - Golf Outing to benefit Multiple Sclerosis

              Golf Outing - Canfield Club, June 13 at Salem Hills

              Brian Frederick - Dues are still due. 

              Brian reported on Relay for Life June 10 & 11. We have our site for the   tent and will have electric. Bands, Movies, morning stretch, survivor’s dinner all  planned.    NOW ALL WE NEED ARE VOLUNTEERS!!!  Help needed to setup and serve.  Signups needed.

              There will be a meeting next week at the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center (May 2) We will have lunch and tour of the facility.

              The last presentation of the BSE Team from the Philippines will be Tuesday, May 10 at the Dutch Valley Restaurant in Sugacreek.  Reservations a must. Pay  at the door. Contact Mark Waltz at or George Windate at

              Volunteers will be needed to paint the wheel in time for the 4th of July.

              Jerry Haber announced that the GSE team will be at the airbase May 5, sponsored by the

                Chamber of Commerce at 5:30 pm.  Sign up thru the district.

              Brian still needs help with the Relay For Life.  Look up onour website.  Sign up being passed

                around also.


RAFFLE: Jerry Haber won the little one - lost the biggie. 

PROGRAM: Ron Carroll introduced Bill Pitzer and Electra Lakomy. 

 “No one plans to become impoverished due to their illness.  No one wants to be a burden to their children. Yet one and one half million people will lose everything they own to long term care. Before Medicaid steps in, you must draw down to $2,400.  For some, everything you worked for in a lifetime is lost.  Long-term care is becoming an extension of hospitalization.” 

Bill Pitzer, Independent Insurance Agent, advises that most people want to stay in their homes rather than a nursing home, but there are many reasons people find themselves looking to long-term care.  One out of two will go the hospital before death or long term care. Cancer will occur in 3 out of 4 families.  39% will require long term care. 

Financial Planning in the form of insurance for long term care is the answer for many.  It is a way to take control of your independence while giving you peace of mind to know that you have the access and ability to afford quality care. By using an Independent agent, a computer analysis can be done with over 20 different companies to give you the best price available.  You can contact Bill at 1-800-630-3442. 

Shown in picture, Bill Pitzer, Susan Leetch and assistant to Mr. Pitzer, Electra Lakomy.