The Group Study Exchange (GSE) is sponsored by Rotary International District 6650 which is comprised of 51 Rotary Clubs in the area. It is under the direction of the Rotary Foundation whose mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill , and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.
T he Rotary Foundation’s Group Study Exchange (GSE) program is a unique cultural and vocational exchange opportunity for businesspeople and professionals between the ages of 25 and 40 who are in the early stages of their careers. The program provides travel grants for teams to exchange visits in paired areas of different countries. For four to six weeks, team members experience the host country's culture and institutions, observe how their vocations are practiced abroad, develop personal and professional relationships, and exchange ideas.
This year the vocational exchange partner in the Philippines is Rotary International District 3820 in the region southeast of Luzon.
Speaking at the Rotary Club of Austintown, the Ohio team leader was Elaine M.S. Bozick, a past president of the Rotary Club of Youngstown. In a typical four-week tour, applicants participate in five full days of vocational visits, 15 to 20 club presentations, 10 to 15 formal visits and social events, two to three days at the district conference, three to four hours per day of cultural and site tours, and three to four hours per day of free time with host families. Tired but full of enthusiasm for the wonderful welcome they received, Elaine was totally impressed with the way the Philippine Rotarians made the team feel. Elaine encouraged everyone to become familiar with what Rotary is doing with this program become a Team Leader if possible.
Shown in picture: Elaine Bozick, Past President of the Rotary Club of Youngstown with Susan Leetch, President of the Rotary Club of Austintown.
President Susan Leetch called the meeting to order and asked Gary Reel to lead us in the Invocation asking for no more rain for a while, the Pledge and singing of God Bless America.
VISITORS: Jennifer Brocius and Speaker Elaine Bozick from the Youngstown Club.
SONGLEADER: Melissa Crowley led us in “Smile” and it really sounded a lot like “Sad” we are so bad.
JOKE of the DAY: Gary told another safe one.
• The Interact picnic is this afternoon and kids will be helping with Rescue Mission and the
Survivor Dinner.
• There are still some Thank You Certificates for the Chinese Auction. Be sure to take the
ones you need for your sponsors.
• Two students have been picked for our Rotary Scholarships - they will be announced.
• A group will be getting together for planting flowers at the Norquest sign on Saturday at 9
• Decorate the float for July 4th parade - sign up sheet. We’ll meet at Toby’s at 6 P.M.
• July 4 we were asked to help line up floats for the parade.
• Our website needs updated.
• Community sign is being checked out presently to see cost of replacement with LED type
of lighting.
• Friday June 10 at 6 PM need help with Survivor Dinner. Signups being passed around. Also
June 11 need walkers and help in the tent.
• PRESIDENT’S PARTY Friday, June 24 at the Manor at 6 P.M.
• Golf team needed for June 13. Anyone interested contact Susan.
• First Place Bank sponsoring SOLDIERS MAIL CALL May 25 - June 8. Care packages will be collected and sent to local troops deployed overseas. Some of the most requested items: Beef jerky or slim jims, instant coffee ground coffee, instant drink mixes (Gatorade, Kool-Aid, Crystal Light), Trail mix (no chocolate) pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried fruit, granola, fruit rollups, fruit gummies, microwave popcorn, microwave macaroni & Cheese, lip balm, chapstick, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, baby wipes and sanitizers, travel size shampoo and conditioner, gel insole cushions, batteries, AA, AAA and C, DVD movies (new or used), Xbox Games, Flash drives for laptops. Also, money donations will be given to the USO. Any help you can give is appreciated.
FELLOWSHIP: Ram fined everyone who did NOT mow grass over the weekend.
DRAWING: Gary won the little one.
On a sad note, Past District Governor and Past President of our Club, Bill Johnson has resigned.
PROGRAM: Jerry Haber, introduced Elaine Bozick, GSE Team Leader to the Philippines.
This year the vocational exchange partner in the Philippines is Rotary International District 3820 in the region southeast of Luzon.
The Ohio team leader was Elaine M.S. Bozick, a past president of the Rotary Club of Youngstown. In a typical four-week tour, applicants participate in five full days of vocational visits, 15 to 20 club presentations, 10 to 15 formal visits and social events, two to three days at the district conference, three to four hours per day of cultural and site tours, and three to four hours per day of free time with host families. Tired but full of enthusiasm for the wonderful welcome they received, Elaine was totally impressed with the way the Philippine Rotarians made the team feel.
Elaine encouraged everyone to become familiar with what Rotary is doing with this program become a Team Leader if possible.
Shown in picture: Elaine Bozick, Past President of the Rotary Club of Youngstown with
Susan Leetch