Posted by Susan Leetch
Dr. Howard Mettee, Professor of Chemistry at YSU presents plaque toAustintown Rotary Club.This past July 3-18, 2010, a delegation of 11 Russian doctors from five regions in Russia toured Northeast Ohio. The purpose of their visit was to learn how medical clinics were organized and particularly in the systems of quality control in medicine. The hosts were Rotary Clubs of Austintown, Boardman and Canfield. The plaque of appreciation was presented to Austintown Rotary President Susan Leetch on behalf of the Russian team by Dr. Howard Mettee.
President, Susan Leetch opened the meeting and asked Gary Reel to lead the group in the Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and singing of "God Bless America".

Visitors: Joe Damare, Jen Betz, Melanie Sztary, Bill Hendricks, and Dr. Harold Mettee.

SONGLEADER: Ron Carroll chose the "National Anthem" for Carl.

GARY told a joke sent to him by a fan of his jokes and storytelling.


* September 10 meeting in Alliance regarding District Foundation programs, we need to send a representative.

* October 9: Awesometown Festival at the Township Park. Mark Cole will represent us.* September 2: Bike Nite from 6-9. The last one for this year. Sign up passed around.

* No meeting September 6 - because of Labor Day.

* September 21: Reverse Raffle at Salem Rotary Club.* October 2: Roadside Cleanup.

* Dictionaries will be coming up soon.


Bruce Laraway reported that the trip to San Salvadore is scheduled for January 12-17.Volunteers will only miss 3 days of work. a $250 deposit is required and the other $750at a later time. Two members can go from each Club. A List of collection items needed for the orphanage is available and the team will take these with them. They will try to build5 to 6 homes. They are trying for 20 team members. Contact Bruce for more information.


Chuck Baker depressed us all with a very depressing issue of the Rotarian. Every articleit seemed, was something of a downer, so he didn't dwell on it as he usually does. My personal thanks to Chuck.

FELLOWSHIP: Vince Collaluca filed everyone who did not attend the "Excellence" party, and not attending the game Friday night. He raised lots of funds.

Hillary announced that Redeemer Church is having a blood drive, Route 46 from 2-7. Sorry Hillary I missed the date.

RAFFLE: Melissa won the little one but lost the biggie.

Brian Laraway mentioned the Foundation and wanted everyone to think of donating $100 per year to eventually make all members Paul Harris Fellows. (have to change that "fellows"!)

Dr. Howard Mettee, Professor of Chemistry at YSU presented a plaque toour Club.

This past July 3-18, 2010, a delegation of 11 Russian doctors from five regions in Russia toured Northeast Ohio. The purpose of their visit was to learn how medical clinics were organized and particularly in the systems of quality control in medicine. The hosts were Rotary Clubs of Austintown, Boardman and Canfield. The plaque of appreciation was presented to Austintown Rotary President Susan Leetch on behalf of the Russian team by Dr. Howard Mettee.

NO Program due to general assembly.