Jerry Haber introduced our speaker, Dr. Gene O'brien, a psychologist for the past thirty years, part of it as director of employee assistance at St. Elizabeth hospital. His topic was "Everybody's Looking For Something", stressing the variety of addictions that people have and how to get help. He mentioned drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, but also added shopping, televison and the Internet as other areas of weakness. Dr. O'Brien stated that people look to these outlets for relief and comfort from the woes of life, even when it hurts them and those around them. He offered advice of joining support groups, stating that recovery is hard to do alone and gave the number 330 270-3000 as a directory of help groups. He also encouraged responsible adults to rid their homes of old medicines before children, grandchildren and their friends could find them. Thanks for an interesting program, Gene and Jerry.
President Susan Leetch called meeting to order, then smilingly called on Gary for the invocation, pledge, and God Bless America.
SONG LEADER: Hillary Prestridge led singing of America, both verses.
GUEST: was Dr. Carl Anzevin from Boardman.
ANNOUNCEMENTS * Susan announced next week is 4 Way Speech contest, and Bruce has chosen the judges.
* Rescue Mission is also next Monday.
* Susan encouraged members to sign up for the Rotary credit card as we get a rebate for each new signup.
* Melissa Crowley encouraged donations for the Chinese Auction soon, so she can get a donors list compiled. Only 5 tickets are left for the Raffle, and we will raffle one off next week if you want in on that. Mike Cafaro thanked Deanna for all her hard work keeping track of ticket sales. They need the names for each ticket to them by THIS FRIDAY so they can do the seating chart on Friday night -- even if you haven't received the money yet, use e-mail or call Deanna at 330 793-4404 (work) Set up will be at noon on March 5 if you can help.
ROTARY MINUTE: Chuck Baker talked about an article in Rotary monthly about India's most populus state, needs 13.7 million children immunized for polio but bad water and nomadic lifestyle makes the job harder.
FELLOWSHIP: Hillary had fellowship, decided to spin the birthday wheel for Jan/Feb. and got 3 birthday boys -- Ram, Ron, and Mike Cafaro (same age??)
We drew for a Raffle ticket, and winner was Gary, already working on doing another among our members next week.
Jerry Haber introduced our speaker, Dr. Gene O'Hara, a psychologist for the past thirty years, part of it as director of employee assistance at St. Elizabeth hospital.
His topic was "Everybody's Looking For Something", stressing the variety of addictions that people have and how to get help. He mentioned drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, but also added shopping, televison and the Internet as other areas of weakness. Dr. O'Hara stated that people look to these outlets for relief and comfort from the woes of life, even when it hurts them and those around them. He offered advice of joining support groups, stating that recovery is hard to do alone and gave the number 330 270-3000 as a directory of help groups. He also encouraged responsible adults to rid their homes of old medicines before children, grandchildren and their friends could find them. Thanks for an interesting program, Gene and Jerry.
SONG LEADER: Hillary Prestridge led singing of America, both verses.
GUEST: was Dr. Carl Anzevin from Boardman.
ANNOUNCEMENTS * Susan announced next week is 4 Way Speech contest, and Bruce has chosen the judges.
* Rescue Mission is also next Monday.
* Susan encouraged members to sign up for the Rotary credit card as we get a rebate for each new signup.
* Melissa Crowley encouraged donations for the Chinese Auction soon, so she can get a donors list compiled. Only 5 tickets are left for the Raffle, and we will raffle one off next week if you want in on that. Mike Cafaro thanked Deanna for all her hard work keeping track of ticket sales. They need the names for each ticket to them by THIS FRIDAY so they can do the seating chart on Friday night -- even if you haven't received the money yet, use e-mail or call Deanna at 330 793-4404 (work) Set up will be at noon on March 5 if you can help.
ROTARY MINUTE: Chuck Baker talked about an article in Rotary monthly about India's most populus state, needs 13.7 million children immunized for polio but bad water and nomadic lifestyle makes the job harder.
FELLOWSHIP: Hillary had fellowship, decided to spin the birthday wheel for Jan/Feb. and got 3 birthday boys -- Ram, Ron, and Mike Cafaro (same age??)
We drew for a Raffle ticket, and winner was Gary, already working on doing another among our members next week.
Jerry Haber introduced our speaker, Dr. Gene O'Hara, a psychologist for the past thirty years, part of it as director of employee assistance at St. Elizabeth hospital.
His topic was "Everybody's Looking For Something", stressing the variety of addictions that people have and how to get help. He mentioned drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, but also added shopping, televison and the Internet as other areas of weakness. Dr. O'Hara stated that people look to these outlets for relief and comfort from the woes of life, even when it hurts them and those around them. He offered advice of joining support groups, stating that recovery is hard to do alone and gave the number 330 270-3000 as a directory of help groups. He also encouraged responsible adults to rid their homes of old medicines before children, grandchildren and their friends could find them. Thanks for an interesting program, Gene and Jerry.