Posted by Brian Laraway
The new District Governor, Jim Russell, visited the Austintown Club. In his presentation he asked us to work on meaningful projects, build membership, and support the Rotary Foundation. Shown in picture is Susan Leetch and Jim Russell
Susan Leetch called the meeting to order, asked Gary Reel to lead in the invocation, pledge, and God Bless America.

Visiting Rotarian Sieglinde Warren, Asst. District Governor, from Canfield club.

Ron Carroll led song "America"

Susan announced:

* Aug. 12, this Thursday, Bike Night at Quaker Steak, 10 are signed up to help sell 50/50 tickets

* Aug. 16, Mark Cole has arranged for a benefit night at O'Donnel's in Aust. Plaza, we will get 20% of tabs if Rotary is mentioned or slips available from Mark are given.

* Bruce Laraway will attend Dist. 1A meeting at Canfield regarding a joint water project in El SalvadorBrian Laraway spoke about the Matching Grant project that was completed in Sao Paulo Brazil, joint effort of Youngstown Warren, Austintown, and Boardman, involving medical supplies last year.

* Hillary Prestridge will head up the Dictionary Project in Austintown and Jackson schools.

* Board meeting will be Aug. 24 or 25.

* Sept. 10 is District Foundation meeting in Alliance, Courtney's Catering, club and district will pay most of cost.

* Oct. 9 is Awesometown celebration at Twp. Park, we are looking into a tent with Rotary logo to pass out hot dogs, can also use it for bike nights, Relay for Life.

* Sieg Warren asked if anyone would help host an exchange student from either Brazil or Argentina, contact Susan.

*Chuck Baker gave a Rotary minute, reminded all members, esp. new ones, to read ROTARY BASICS in this month's magazine.

*Chuck also had fellowship, fined Ram for being last in, Mitch for not being observant, and anyone without Rotary pins.
*Vince Colaluca won the drawing, but not the new pot, which Hillary won last week.

Deana introduced Jim Russell, our new District Governor 6650 from Newcomerstown. Jim related how he got involved inRotary, because of a minor Interact event during high school. He gave a video presentation "Engaging With Rotary" that showedhow each member moves within 33,000 clubs worldwide, organized in 531 districts in 200+ countries. He asked us to work on meaningful projects, build membership, support the Foundation, look at "lit kits" for local, national, or internationaldistribution, and plan to attend the District Conference in Canton on Apr. 29-30, designing it to be family friendly and muchless expensive. Susan presented Jim with a gift from the club, and also a book that will be donated to Woodside Library.