Speaking at the Rotary Club of Austintown, Superintendent Vince Colaluca described some of the revamping necessary for the excavation to begin for the new schools estimated to open September of 2013. The entire campus, bordered by Raccoon Road and Idaho Road is approximately 97 acres. The State of Ohio is paying for 47% of the cost for construction.
On another note, Austintown Schools has been looking at expenditures, and are finding that there is not too much left to cut. They have been tightening thru the years and cutting back as much as possible. Open Enrollment has proven to be a good revenue source although controversial. It is saving the taxpayer 4.5 mills. When a parent chooses to transport their child to Austintown Schools, they care about the education of their children. Out of 575 kids, there has been only one expulsion where there is normally 45 per year.
The School system is now awaiting word to find out if they are EXCELLENT or EFFECTIVE.
A committee will be formed to make sure Austintown is on line for the future. They will look at all avenues in October.
Shown in picture: Austintown Rotary President, Deanna Spirko presenting certificate for a book to
be donated to Woodside Elementary for the Woodside Reads Project to Superintendent Vince Colaluca
President Deanna Spirko called the meeting to order and asked Karl Reinto lead us in the Invocation, the Pledge and singing of God Bless America.
VISITORS: Alex Sofranko and Jason Miller, Rotary Scholarship winners.
Ron Carroll did the honors and led us in singing “Smile” which we do quite well.
In Gary’s absence the “joke of the day” went to Dr. Mitch Dalvin who really missed his
calling and should have been on the stage.
• the Rotary Wheel is halfway done. Another day will be chosen to finish it.
• Our thanks to Gary Reel for cleaning out the weeds at our Rotary Sign.
• District Governor George W.S. Hays visits August 22. All members should attend. Also
all Board Members are asked to stay after our regular meeting.
• The first Membership Meeting was held by chairs Brian Laraway and Mark Cole. They
want to take a poll to see if we prefer another day to meet other than Mondays.
• The flier and handout sheet on Our Rotary Club will be updated.
• Monday, October 3 is Visitor’s Day. Invite someone to a meeting. More will be forthcoming on this. Another one will be held in January. A follow up pulled from names of attendees
at the Reverse Raffle will be a start. Maybe bring a person a month.
• Standing ovations for Program presenters will begin next week.
• September 1 is our last Bike Nite.
• First Pub of the Month, September 22 at 6 P.M. at O’Donolds Restaurant.
• Sunday, August 28, it’s Youngstown Rotary at the Scrappers game. It is open to all Rotarians. $20.00 for Box seats with a picnic at 5:05.
• May 6-9, 2012 are the dates for the International Convention.
• A Thank You was received from Samantha Case, our Ohio Business week graduate.
CHUCK BAKER MOMENT: Chuck advised that 10 Countries have no forrest and that deforestation has taken 80% of the forests in Brazil and SE Asia.
FELLOWSHIP: Hillary did an excellent job on fellowship - it was so well done that I can’t
remember who all was fined. I paid anyway.
RAFFLE: Mark Cole won the little one and it wouldn’t matter if he won the big one or not
as there is not much in the pot.
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.
Pictured below are Alex Sofranko (left) and Jason Miller receiving their Scholarships.
PROGRAM: Construction moving fast on new schools
Superintendent and fellow Rotarian, Vince Collaluca described some of the revamping necessary for the excavation to begin for the new schools estimated to open September of 2013. The entire campus, bordered by Raccoon Road and Idaho Road is approximately 97 acres. The State of Ohio is paying for 47% of the cost for construction.
On another note, Austintown Schools has been looking at expenditures, and are finding that there is not too much left to cut. They have been tightening thru the years and cutting back as much as possible. Open Enrollment has proven to be a good revenue source although controversial. It is saving the taxpayer 4.5 mills. When a parent chooses to transport their child to Austintown Schools, they care about the education of their children. Out of 575 kids, there has been only one expulsion where there is normally 45 per year.
The School system is now awaiting word to find out if they are EXCELLENT or EFFECTIVE. A committee will be formed to make sure Austintown is on line for the future. They will look at all avenues in October