Posted by Susan Leetch on Aug 14, 2011
Maria Stevens of Stevens Coaching was special guest at the Rotary Club of Austintown at their recent meeting. 

She stated "Whether it is sales results or anything else in our lives, the notion that we are all capable of changing our outcomes by changing how we think is the very reason I have dedicated my career to personal and professional development and the field of coaching. There is always a better way, a better approach, strategy or perspective out there."


This is the guiding principle by which founder and owner, Maria Stevens lives her life. For years, Maria excelled in various jobs in the corporate world but always felt like there was something missing. She dreamed about owning her own business and making a living by teaching others from her  experience and life lessons. Today, she is living her dream and is honored to partner with each one of her clients on their personal and professional journeys.

Maria specializes in coaching business owners, leaders and high potential professionals to lead more effectively and drive results within their companies. Her coaching approach is grounded in a passion for leadership development along with a strong business background in Business to Business selling, training and consulting. For more information visit her website at

Shown in picture: Deanna Spirko with Maria Stevens
President Deanna Spirko called the meeting to order and asked Dr. Mitch Dalvin to lead us in the Invocation, the Pledge and singing of God Bless America.

VISITORS: Maria Stevens from Stevens Coaching, our guest speaker today.

Chuck Baker led us in singing “In the Good Old Summertime”.


Gary, back from Ocean City where he attended a Rotary Meeting and heard lots of griping and complaining.  He told a good, clean marriage joke.

the Rotary Wheel is halfway done. Another day will be chosen to finish it.
District Governor George W.S. Hays visits August 22.  All members should attend. Also
all Board Members are asked to stay after our regular meeting.
Monday, October 3 is Visitor’s Day. Invite someone to a meeting. More will be forthcoming on this. Another one will be held in January. A follow up pulled from names of attendees
at the Reverse Raffle will be a start. Maybe bring a person a month.
September 1 is our last Bike Nite. PLEASE SEE ABOVE NOTE....we need our signs.
First Pub of the Month, September 22 at 6 P.M. at O’Donolds Restaurant.
Sunday, August 28, it’s Youngstown Rotary at the Scrappers game.  It is open to all Rotarians. $20.00 for Box seats with a picnic at 5:05.

CHUCK BAKER MOMENT:  An article in the Rotarian from Urbana Ohio. Mellinger Farms owned by Mr. Bower donated 1 acre of corn for Polio Plus.  It is valued at $650-$700 per acre.


FELLOWSHIP: Ron Carroll fined all who were without pins and/or badges.

RAFFLE: Vince Colaluca won the small drawing but missed out on the queen.

Advice from Will Rogers: Always drink upstream from the herd and never miss a good chance to shut up.

PROGRAM: Mark Cole introduced Maria Stevens from Stevens Coaching.
She began the program by saying  "Whether it is sales results or anything else in our lives, the notion that we are all capable of changing our outcomes by changing how we think is the very reason I have dedicated my career to personal and professional development and the field of coaching. There is always a better way, a better approach, strategy or perspective out there."


This is the guiding principle by which founder and owner, Maria Stevens lives her life. For years, Maria excelled in various jobs in the corporate world but always felt like there was something missing. She dreamed about owning her own business and making a living by teaching others from her  experience and life lessons. Today, she is living her dream and is honored to partner with each one of her clients on their personal and professional journeys.

Maria specializes in coaching business owners, leaders and high potential professionals to lead more effectively and drive results within their companies. Her coaching approach is grounded in a passion for leadership development along with a strong business background in Business to Business selling, training and consulting. For more information visit her website at