PROGRAM: Dave Buttar introduced Carlton Sears, who is executive director of the Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County. Carlton is also past President of Youngstown Rotary. He noted that over 1 million persons walked through the library system doors last year. Though the population is declining, the usage of the Main Library and its 15 branches is increasing each year. A major growth in use has happened since December 2008 to the present with more folks using job search and self improvement sources. He also noted that the Library was only books and magazines in the past, but now has over 1 million newspaper, magazine, book, DVD, computer files available. Funding has been cut the past year due to less state income tax being collected, so the library system must adjust its hours and collections to end the year debt free. We can be proud of the excellent system we have with links to over 10 million books and files through Search Ohio.
The meeting was called to order by President Michael Cafaro at the Austintown Library's Fok Meeting Room.Â
INVOCATION: Pledge of Allegiance and God Bless America led by Gary.Â
VISITING ROTARIANS: Debby Liptak from Boardman.  Â
SONG LEADER: Hillary Prestridge, our song leader, led us in Get Together song.Â
- Mike announced that there were still 6 inbound exchange students to be placed with 20 already placed. Contact Mike if you could host for three months. Â
- This Sunday, June 14, is our second Car Cruise at Quaker Steak. The setup is at 4:30 and we start selling tickest at 5. Please wear your new shirts. Â
- If you haven't picked up your shirt, get them at next meeting or contact Mike. Â
- The President's party may be changed to help more people make it. Let Karl know if June 25 or 26 are better or July 10 or 11.Â
- The July 4 float will be just from our club, using a truck instead of trailer, more details to follow. Â
- Reverse Raffle was discussed, and vote taken to keep it at the Maronite Center  on March 6. Mark your calendar now. Mike suggested organizing it into a committee of three, with one covering tickets only, one for Chinese auction, and one doing the dinner. Â
- Mike also announced the Rotary sign on the corner of Raccoon and Mahoning needs the message board updated soon. Â
- The sign at Celebration Grove is being fixed and will soon be back in place.
Chuck fined anyone not wearing their Rotary pin (you were warned last week) and Mike for not bringing Rotary badges to library. He also fined Dave Buttar and Ron Carroll for being in the newspaper.Â