Brian Laraway, a member of the Rotary Club of Austintown, is also a Partner at Bury Financial Group and has been for the last ten years. He spoke at the recent Rotary Club meeting about how Bury Financial can help their clients define their financial goals and provide strategies to help meet those goals. The present market situation will probably be around for the next 5 to 6 years so thinking about goals is necessary.
Without being in the financial field on a full-time basis, most people do not have the time to develop the confidence, level of specialization, or the necessary tools to make wise, informed financial decisions on their own. Bury Financial is there to assist in this process. They help their clients define their financial goals and provide strategies to help meet those goals, which may result in a more calm, confident lifestyle.
Questions to ask yourself : have your financial time lines changed? have your money goals changed? or has your risk-tolerance changed? If you answer yes to any of these questions, it is time to sit down with a professional advisor.
Brian can be reached at Bury Financial Group, 330-757-1992. They are located at 20 East McKinley Way, Suite 1, Poland, Ohio 44514
President Deanna Spirko called the meeting to order and asked Ram Kasuganti to lead us in the Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and singing of God Bless America.
Guests were: Mal Culp, Robert Hughes, Cuyahoga Falls, Joshua Aikens, Boardman.
SONGLEADER: Mark Cole led us in “Happy Wanderer” - his bad.
GARY: Joke of the Day (it gets longer and longer) He also asked us to bring
candy next week to be given out at Hope House.
• Mark Cole announced Awesometown for October 8th from 11 to 4. He asked for volunteers. It will be at Emmanual Church, and they will have magicians, Austintown Bounce, Safety for Kids, a Car Show and demonstrations. People wishing to exhibit are asked to be there for setup at 8 AM. He asked for everyone to “spread the word”. There will be a signup sheet for Awesometown workers to sign up to help. We will also have a table with a new cover.
• Austintown Plaza is planning to have a Halloween Event on October 29th at 4 in the afternoon. They also need help to distribute candy, etc. If you are interested, contact Deanna. Dress up if you can.
• October 17 - no meeting at Saxon, but the following day the 18th for the District Luncheon. Henry “Hank” Shea is the speaker and he will talk about Business Ethics. Time: 11:30 to 1 P.M. Cost is $10.00 per person. We need the count by Monday and you can tell Mark Cole what you want to eat. It’s at the Boardman Holiday Inn. Counts as a make up. He will also speak again at Fitch High School on the 19th from 10 to 11.
• Rotary Leadership Institute at North Canton October 22nd. Breakfast and lunch furnished.
CHUCK'S ROTARIAN MINUTE: Chuck talked the high cost of a college education and the difference between 2002 and now.
FELLOWSHIP: Jennifer Connolly got us all. She fined everyone who thought that Deanna was doing a great job! Everyone agreed and paid the price.
RAFFLE: “Lucky Dog” Vince won again!!!
TOBY MOMENT: “The secret of achievement is to not let what you’re doing get to you before you get to it.”
Mark Cole introduced our own Brian Laraway who is also a Partner at Bury Financial Group and has been for the last ten years. He spoke about how Bury can help their clients define their financial goals and provide strategies to help meet those goals. The present market situation will probably be around for the next 5 to 6 years.
Without being in the financial field on a full-time basis, most people do not have the time to develop the confidence, level of specialization, or the necessary tools to make wise, informed financial decisions on their own. Bury Financial is there to assist in this process. They help their clients define their financial goals and provide strategies to help meet those goals, which may result in a more calm, confident lifestyle.
Questions to ask yourself : have your financial time lines changed? have your money goals changed? or has your risk-tolerance changed? If you answer yes to any of these questions, it is time to sit down with a professional advisor.
Brian can be reached at Bury Financial Group, 330-757-1992. They are located at
20 East McKinley Way, Suite 1, Poland, Ohio 44514.
Quote of the day: “Show me a good and gracious loser...and I’ll show you a failure
Knute Rockne/Notre Dame