PROGRAM: The program was incoming President, Brian Laraway, to discuss some of the goals for the 2009-2010 Rotary year. Brian is a 1996 graduate of Fitch High School and received his MBA from YSU in 2002. He is Vice President and Financial Advisor at Bury Financial Group in Poland, OH.      Â
President Michael Cafaroopened the meeting, and Gary Reel led in the prayer, pledge, and singing of God Bless America.
VISITORS: Tom Keller from Canfield and Bruce Laraway (Brian's dad).
SONG LEADER: Deanna Spirko led us in song: "In the Good Old Summertime".
It sounded like muted thunder - but I'm not an expert. Â
- President's Roast will be June 27 at Mojo's at 7 p.m. Start finalizing the ways to toast/roast Mike.Â
- New shirts are here!!! Some of you have still not picked your shirt up. We will need them for all the events coming up.
- July 2 from 6-9 Quaker Steak Bike Nite. WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET. Large crowds at this one folks. Sign up sheet being passed around.Â
- July 3 Decorate the Float. Our wheel will be used on a truck, but we need help decorating. Signup sheet being passed around.
- July 6 NO MEETING because of July 4th.
- June 24 - Board meeting (last one for Mike) at Lucianno's.
- March 6 is the date for the Reverse Raffle. We need 3 Chairpersons. We need one for ticket sales especially.
- July 10, Friday, Boys and Girls Club Golf Scramble. $75.00 per person. Contact Mike.
- Celebration Grove needs weeding. The sign has been fixed. The weed situation is guaranteed for a year.Â
FELLOWSHIP: As much as we tried to hide, Chuck fined everyone he could think of. Gary, Racheal (for her Birthday), Bill Johnson and Carol Fye.
RAFFLE: Robin won the little one, but the Queen remains.
Brian's plans for the club include the continuation of Family of Rotary with fun and friendship. Â
Other goals specific to incoming members include their involvement in projects sooner rather than later to keep their interest; and growth of membership to include 5 new members for the year.
Another important International issue with all Rotary Clubs is the Polio Plus Campaign. District Clubs have promised $1,000 per year for the next 5 years. Bill Gates promised a $355 million donation if Rotary would come up with $200 million. The Polio Plus Campaign began in 1985 and since then 2 billion children have received vaccines. Polio went from 500,000 cases per year down to 2,000 this last year.
Water Projects and Medical Projects are also on the agenda for the year.
Brian can be reached by calling 330-757-1992.
The slogan of Rotary International for the year is: "The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands". Â Think about it.