Posted by Susan Leetch
TOM WRONKOVICH from BIKETOWN HARLEY visits RotaryTom Wronkovich was guest speaker at Austintown Rotary at the November 29 meeting. Tom is from BiketownHarley located at the Interstate 80 site. They moved from their location in Canfield due to limited expansion. They wanted a training course and to have larger events and needed about 1-1/2 acres. They have a full course that takes you from start to finish. Their trainers have 25 years experience. This intersection is the 3rd busiest on interstate 80 in the US with hotels having 85% occupancy year round. The location is excellent for Harley and they have expanded their sales into surrounding states. They are the largest Harley distributor in NE Ohio and western PA. Harley boasts 52% market share in motorcycles with prices ranging from $10,000 to $45,000. Their team is constantly striving to have the best customer service possible.Shown in picture with President Susan Leetch, Tom Wronkovich
President Susan Leetch opened the meeting and asked Gary Reel to lead the invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, and God Bless America.

SONGLEADER: Songleader Robin stock led us in Mitch's Song, "Row,Row, Row Your Boat".

Gary told his joke for the day and dedicated it to Dr. Mike Cafaro and Brian Laraway for expectant fathers.


* Brian Laraway announced the date of December 17 for the Christmas Partyto be held at the Manor at 6:30. Price $13.00 per person, with cash bar.Bring one unwrapped toy for Akron Children's Hospital.

* Raffle tickets for Taste of Austintown are now available. We sell them for $5 each and keep half of money. Good project. NO EXPENSE TO US. See Susan for tickets

* December 11, Bell Ringing - sign up sheet being passed around still some openings



* Save the Date cards were handed out and should be distributed by each member
* We need donations for the Chinese Auction.* Ohio State/Michigan Challenge for Polio Plus in online and has been sent toeach member.

* Ron needs speakers - contact him if you have some suggestions.

* Ram is setting us a lunch/tour of the New Business School at YSU for us. January 24th is the date so far.

* Youngstown Rotary Raffle April 8 at the Embassy. $100 per person. Let Susan know if you are interested.

* Cecelia Roggozino had to drop out of our club due to a job change.

* Mike Cafaro is asking for us to sell 1/3 of the Reverse Raffle tickets before the holiday. The big push will be after, but at least if we can get some commitments.He asked if you would take only those you can sell. They do not want them to come back. Dave and Deanna are heading up ticket sales. Melissa is in charge of the Chinese Auction. The list for the Auction is being passed out.

FELLOWSHIP: Vince fined anyone not attending their Alma Mater game over the weekend. Anyone eating a turkey dinner that Vince missed.

ROTARY MINUTE(S): Chuck Baker related that there are still 158 million child laborers. The 1938 Labors Act outlawed this practice with the exclusion of Agriculture.

RAFFLE: Melissa won the little one but failed to choose the elusive Queen.

PROGRAM: Tom Wronkovich was our guest speaker today. He is from BiketownHarley located at the Interstate 80 site. They moved from their location in Canfield due to limited expansion. They wanted a training course and to have larger events and needed about 1-1/2 acres. They have a full course that takes you from start to finish. Their trainers have 25 years experience.

This intersection is the 3rd busiest in the US with hotels having 85% occupancy year round. The location is excellent for Harley and they have expanded their sales into surrounding states. They are the largest Harley distributor in NE Ohio and western PA. Harley boasts 52% market share in motorcycles with prices ranging from $10,000 to $45,000.