It is difficult enough finding a job in today’s market and it’s even harder for a person that is disabled. The workshops - 3 in all - were established a year and a half ago and have improved the life of these hard workers, who are proud of the products they make and the independence earned from a paycheck. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the workers and the operation of the facilities.
They are encouraging area clubs to use the candles as a fundraising tool. They offer 8 different scents, free delivery, free order forms, customized scent logo for your organization and individual packaging.
Visit their website at, or call 330-424-0596.
President Susan Leetch called the meeting to order, asking Toby Mirto to lead invocation, pledge and God Bless America.
Visitors: Guests were Jim Jeckess from Girard, Toni Fuzo Administrator for Meridian Arms,
Justin Klubnik, Interpretor for the El Salvador team, and Debbie Liptak, Boardman Rotary.
Song Leader: Tony Cebriak did the honors and led us in “America”.
• April 29-30 District Conference. You can still register on the website. Held at Stark County
• Thank You’s will be coming for the Reverse Raffle.
• April 29: Rescue Mission at 5:15 PM.
• May 7: 5 K Run Poland Clue - The Derby Dash at McKinley Elementary. there is a signup.
• May 23 - Golf Outing to benefit Multiple Sclerosis
• Golf Outing - Canfield Club, June 13 at Salem Hills
• Brian Frederick - Dues are still due.
• Brian reported on Relay for Life June 10 & 11. We have our site for the tent and will have electric. Bands, Movies, morning stretch, survivor’s dinner all planned.
NOW ALL WE NEED ARE VOLUNTEERS!!! Help needed to setup and serve. Signups needed.
• There will be a meeting next week.
ROTARY MINUTE: Chuck Baker informed us that Haiti was still in trouble. One million people are still homeless and 4,000 schools were destroyed. Two thirds of the grant is gone to refurnishing schools. Rotary is helping to support this effort.
MARK COLE introduced Justin Klubnik who is working in a community orphanage in El Salvador. Justin came home for a few days but will be returning next month to continue his work. Recently local Rotary Clubs asked for volunteers to help the orphanage by painting, and fixing the building for the kids. Mark Cole from the Austintown Club answered the call and spent a week of hard work at the orphanage. Justin expressed his gratitude for the donations and support that Mark and the crew extended to their community. Seven people representing Rotary worked and painted and played with the kids They now have clean bright new colors on the walls. While there they met Pastor Louise, a hard working pastor of the region who manages to cook meals for 200 people each and every Sunday while also running the local church and helping the orphanage by delivering all of their fruits, vegetables and groceries for over 35 people each week. The pastor mentioned to Justin that he wished he could paint the inside of his house someday for his kids too. Mark again answered the call by presenting his own personal check to Justin for $250.00 - more than enough to paint the Pastor’s house. A very grateful Justin accepted the check. A very grateful Club is thankful to have Mark Cole as a Member.
RAFFLE: Mark won the little one - lost the biggie.
PROGRAM: Ron Carroll introduced Josh Martin from Developmental Disabilities of Columbiana County. He talked about the company that was formed to put people with disabilities to work, the Beaver Creek Candle Company. Every candle is carefully prepared, packaged, and shipped by people in the workshops under the watchful eye of the Columbiana County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
It is difficult enough finding a job in today’s market and it’s even harder for a person that is disabled. The workshops - 3 in all - were established a year and a half ago and have improved the life of these hard workers, who are proud of the products they make and the independence earned from a paycheck. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the workers and the operation of the facilities. <
They are encouraging area clubs to use the candles as a fundraising tool. They offer 8 different scents, free delivery, free order forms, customized scent logo for your organization and individual packaging.
Visit their website at, or call 330-424-0596.