Posted by Susan Leetch
Speaker for the meeting was Brad Bloomster, who is spearheading the AWESOME-TOWN fall celebration on October 9 starting at 11 a.m. and running all afternoon. The festival will highlight the good things about our town, and also give a chance for connections among people and groups promoting good will. He challenged Rotary to find a place to be part of the day.
President, Brian Laraway opened the meeting, and called on Gary for the invocation, pledge of allegiance, and God Bless America.

SONGLEADER: Karl Rein, used "Its A Small, Small World", both verses, sounded good.

Visitors today were Eric Bohr from Walgreens, and Janet Polish from Austintown Middle School.

Gary reported on Roadside Cleanup, cold day but 10 volunteers, 8 from Rotary.


* District Spring Assembly is May 15 in Salem, and the following week is Rotary Leadership Institute with 3 other districts at the Foltz Community Center, East Canton, Brian would like us to be represented, 8 - 3 p.m.

* Vince Colaluca spoke about the school levy on May 4 ballot, great way to get two new schools for price of one, bring $50 million in activity to Austintown at the same time. Money from state is part of the tobacco settlement, not tax money, 2.9 mills on the ballot.

* Rotary Board meeting will be April 28 at Lucianno's, 7:30 a.m., counts as a makeup.

* Deanna Spirko announced the Warren Rotary Rose Sale, $15. a dozen, will be delivered on May 5 to our meeting.

* Eric Bohr from Walgreens asked us to join him and Minerva's Restaurant to provide dinner for cancer survivors on June 4, the opening night of Relay for Life in Austintown, will need about 10 volunteers and plan to feed 200 folks in sit down style.

* We can also help set up the tent, provide desserts, and cleanup. Dave Buttar invited folks to join Yurchak Davis team to walk or sponsor others, Susan Leetch has walker forms for us, so there's a place for just about everyone.There will be a planning meeting for Austintown Relay at 7 p.m. at American Cancer headquarters in Canton this Thursday.

* Brian announced the Fireside Chat will be at Upstairs Restaurant at date to be announced, especially wants to get the four new members (Bruce, Vince, Mark, Mike) there so will work to find an agreeable date, but open to all Rotarians.

* Gary reported on GSE dinner last Saturday, thinks he lost a few pounds but nice program.


Mark Cole was inducted as a new member by Chuck Baker, assisted by his sponsor Vince Colaluca. Mark is an insurance pro that is very active in many areas, so Brian is especially glad to have him with us. He got a good start by helping with Roadside Cleanup and going to the GSE dinner.

Chuck gave a Rotary minute about ocular care around the world, and Bruce spoke about the great response to thank you's from Reverse Raffle he delivered.

FELLOWSHIP: Dave Buttar fined anyone who missed Roadside Cleanup or filed taxes late.

RAFFLE: Gary won the little raffle, but King of Diamonds doesn't win the big one, bummer.

PROGRAM: Brad Bloomster from Austintown Community Church spoke about the second AWESOME-TOWN celebration to be held October 9 at Austintown Park.ÃÆ'¢â‚¬Â  This will be a big fall festival from 11-4 p.m., stressing the good things about Austintown and community pride.

Toby closed with a quote by Ronald Reagan

"We don't have a trillion dollar debt because we haven't taxed enough; we have a trillion dollar debt because we spend too much". He's probably glad he wasn't around to see it pass $12 trillion.ÃÆ'¢â‚¬Â  See you next week.