PROGRAM: Vince Colaluca and Kevin Snyder from Austintown Local Schools visited our club. They showed us how new technologies are being used by the district. Specially, they presented the Turning Technologies response units. As of right now, the school system has 31 units, but more will be ordered soon via grant money.
They stated that some of these new items were brought about by the No Child Left Behind bill. Using this technology, teachers are able to ask the class questions to see if the material is understood. For those students that are missing questions, the teacher is able to meet with them during their Intervention Period to tutor them on the lesson.
Our own club was able to test the devices and ourselves with a Rotary Quiz. We learned a little more about our club's history and our members feelings on different topics. It inspired some funny banter. Brian still wants to know who missed Austintown Rotary being around for 40 years. (I guess a few people didn't attend the 40 Year Anniversary Party recently.)
Vince and Kevin were great! Thank you. Also, thank you to Dave Buttar for putting the program together.
President Michael Cafaro opened the meeting.
INVOCATION: Toby Mirto led us in prayer, the pledge, and the singing of God Bless America.
SONG LEADER: Leanna Mathes led us in the singing of "In the Good Old Summer Time." Luckily, we have some time before summer to improve on this song.
- Mike thanked everyone who attended Roadside Cleanup. We were there and gone in about an hour. Great job!
- Rescue Mission -- We serve dinner today at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Help needed!
- Rotary Board meeting April 29 at Lucianno's at 7:30 a.m. This counts as a makeup.
- President's Roast will be June 27 at Mojo's at 7 p.m. Please start thinking of ways to toast (err...roast) Mike.
- Quaker Steak-We will have 2 Bike Nights and 2 Car Cruises to help raise money for Polio Plus and for the Club to use on local endeavors. The extra dates are to help us in the event of a rain out. The folks at Quaker are really working with us on these events. Please show your support as well. The dates are as follows:
- May 24th-Car Cruise (This is the Sunday before Memorial Day, and, typically, Quaker's biggest event).
- June 14th-Car Cruise
- July 2nd at 6pm-Bike Night
- August 13th at 6pm-Bike Night
- "If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we're not really living."
- Please check out the Rotary Now Video. It was recently sent by Mike in an email.
- It's Ambassadorial Scholarship Time for District 6650. The winner can receive up to $24,000 in scholarships. The deadline is July 10th. Please see Mike for details.
FELLOWSHIP: Robin Stock fined anyone who didn't make it to Roadside Clean-up.
RAFFLE: Robin won the little raffle, but not the big one. We verified the Queen is still there.