Posted by Susan Leetch
Reverse Raffle was topic of day. Brian has prepared 3 letters that can be sent out to potential donors. One is for businesses, one for faithful supporters, and one says what we do as a club, all nice to have. You can put your own name as the sender. Dave Buttar and Deanna Spirko are in charge of tickets, Rachel Solida is collecting items for Reverse Raffle to help Melissa and Harvey while on baby patrol, and Mike Cafaro and Erica are in charge of arrangements.
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Laraway. Gary Reel led invocation, pledge, and God Bless America.

VISITOR: Visiting Rotarian was Dan Yemma from Struthers.

SONGLEADER: Ron Carroll was song leader, Star Spangled Banner, sounded good.

Today we started a second raffle each day........prize is a Reverse Raffle ticket, tickets are $5. each or 3 for $10. We will sell a few extra this way. Today there were 41 tickets left at the end of the meeting, have you taken yours yet? Still some folks that haven't. We need everyone's help. Any tickets not returned by Feb. 15 are your obligation to pay for, we don't want them back at last minute.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:* Quaker Steak has offered us 5 dates, once a month, to do both the car cruise and bike night, discussion and voted to do this as an easy fund raiser.

* NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT LUCIANNO'S on Feb. 8, don't be embarrased. We are trying a few new places.

* Hillary thanked Ron, Tony, Judy Cebriak, and Gary plus 3 Interact students for working at the Rescue Mission, next time is Feb. 22, same day as the 4 Way Speech contest at our noon meeting.

* Brian thanked those who attended the Jean Irwin special meeting last Wednesday and the Pub Of Month on Thursday. Jean Irwin told an interesting story about her "Rotary Leg", concluding that Rotary both changed her life and also saved it, ask Brian to repeat it for you.

* District Conference is April 23-24 at Mountaineer Park, there is a special Rotary rate if you call a special 800 number, get it from Brian, saves a bit of money for rooms.

* Mar. 22 will be Mentoring Day.

* Bruce mentioned that polio in Nigeria dropped by over half last year to only 318 cases from 753. Gary said there is an easy way to remember the countries that still have polio...using the word PAIN = Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, and Nigeria.

FELLOWSHIP: Rachel Solida in charge of fellowship, fined those who watched the Grammy Awards and those who have bothered accountant this week about taxes.

RAFFLE: Mike Sciortino won the drawing but no Queen this week.

PROGRAM Reverse Raffle was topic of day. Brian has prepared 3 letters that can be sent out to potential donors. One is for businesses, one for faithful supporters, and one says what we do as a club, all nice to have. You can put your own name as the sender. Dave Buttar and Deanna Spirko are in charge of tickets, Rachel Solida is collecting items for Reverse Raffle to help Melissa and Harvey while on baby patrol, and Mike Cafaro and Erica are in charge of arrangements.

Toby Mirto closed with quote: "It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes." Thomas Jefferson