Posted by Susan Leetch
Speaker at the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Austintown was Chief Steve Prestridge, CW3. Steve has been with the U.S. Army for 27 years. His mission today was to encourage employers to hire National Guard and Reserve members. The program known as ESGR (Employer Support of The Guard and Reserve) is a win-win situation for both the Guard/Reserve Member and the employer. Employers know that Army Reserve Soldiers are well-qualified and make good employees. There are lots of well-trained kids looking for a job. The Soldier must still meet employer skill requirements for available job openings. For more information go to their website at in picture:President Susan Leetch with Chief Steve Prestridge, CW3, presenting Certificate for a book to be donated to Woodside School in his honor.
President Susan opened the meeting and called on Rev. Karl to give theInvocation followed by Pledge and God Bless America.

Visitors today were Josh Aikens from Boardman club.

Song leader Deanna Spirko, led us in "Silent Night" in honor of Christmas.She is still buying for the kids by the way.


* Susan thanked Brian Laraway for the great arrangements he and his wife made for our Christmas Party. Great food and great fun.

* No meeting Dec. 27, but we will do Rescue Mission on Dec. 27.

* Deanna has Reverse Raffle tickets ready to be sold, also Taste of Austintown tickets. We must get these going. Hopefully after Christmas sales will pick up.

* Thank you's received from Joyce Pogany, Wickliffe Christmas Committee and Kathy Kane from Woodside Reads for our donations.

* No Board Meeting this month.

* Gary Reel announced there are 2 recipients for RYLA to be held February 25, 26 and 27 at the Avalon Inn. We are in need of passouts such as pads, pencils, etc. 100 of each for bags that will be made up for the students. Deadline for those is February 18.

* Today is the Party for Interact.

FELLOWSHIP: Brian Laraway in charge of fellowship, fined anyone who had both Rotary pin and their badge to get back at Chuck Baker, also those who didn't help with Salvation Army or couldn't attend our Christmas party, got a bunch of money.

Rotary Minute: Chuck Baker talked about Queen Nora of Jordan. She married King Hussein in 1978 and he died in 1999. Her father was the head of the FAA and President of PanAmerican Airlines. She expends her efforts on humanitarian aid.

RAFFLE: Hillary won the little pot, but missed the Queen.


Speaker was Chief Steve Prestridge, CW3, husband of our own, Hillary. Steve has been with the U.S. Army for 27 years. His mission today was to encourage employers to hire National Guard and Reserve members. The program known as ESGR (Employer Support of The Guard and Reserve) is a win-win situation for both the Guard/Reserve Member and the employer. Employers know that Army Reserve Soldiers are well-qualified and make good employees. There are lots of well-trained kids looking for a job. The Soldier must still meet employer skill requirements for available job openings. For more information go to their website at