Posted by Susan Leetch
In today's meeting we had our club assembly to go over our current and future projects. This meeting included discussions from the club, community, vocation and international committees. Good times were had by all.
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Laraway Karl Rein led the invocation, pledge of allegiance, and singing God Bless America.

VISITORS: were Jim Jickis from Struthers, Hank Conrad and Christina Dailey from Poland, and George Faerber from Columbus.

SONGLEADER: Susan Leetch was song leader, used the Get Together song.

Gary gave a humorous reading about a zoo rescue by a biker, got a good response, especially from Mitch.


* Hillary reported on serving at Rescue Mission on Nov. 23, help from herself, Ron Carroll, and Gary plus 4 Interact girls.

* More student thanks for dictionaries at Lloyd School were passed through the club.

* This Thursday, our pub social at 5th Season Restaurant on Mahoning Ave, 6 p.m., bring guests, signif. others, prospective members.

Brian thanked Hank from Poland for the idea of pub night, only to find he got it from East Palestine club.

* Next Monday, Dec. 7 (Pearl Harbor Day) -- our regular meeting will be at the 5th Season for lunch, 12 p.m. instead of Saxon Club.

* Next Friday, Dec. 11 -- our Christmas Party at 5th Season BANQUET CENTER on Rt. 46 near Mineral Ridge, bring a $10. gift or two unwrapped for Akron Children's Hospital include batteries if needed. Gather at 6:30 p.m., eat at 7. Mike and Erica have a nice party planned, lets have a good showing.

* Next Saturday, Dec. 12 -- we ring the bell for Salvation Army at Santisi's IGA, all day in one hour shifts, nice and dry and warm there.

* There will be no meeting for the club on Dec. 14 or Dec. 28 --mark your calendar. There will not be a board meeting in December.

* Hank Conrad spoke about the Group Study Exchange, this year from and to France around April 13-19. The wine business will be the focus of both groups. We will be host for one of the days.

* DECEMBER 5: Interact Students will be ringing bells.

* Susan Leetch announced the chance to host an exchange student next year, see her for details.

* JANUARY 27: Jean Irwin, Educator of Deaf Children will be the speaker at a 6 club meeting to be held at noon at the Holiday Inn in Boardman.

Our club was asked to do the PR on this event. Info will be coming in.

* JANUARY 25 - NO MEETING (none of the other clubs are having a meeting that week due to the January 27 event.)

Chuck Baker gave a Rotary minute about prevention of childhood diabetes, 250 million cases worldwide, will be 400 million soon. It is classified in type 1 if there is no history of the disease in your family and type 2 if there is.

Rotary has big pushes on in Cameroon, Nicaragua, and Nigeria. Bruce Laraway spoke about World Peace Fellowships, in which 110 young adults are chosen annually to attend conferences in 1 of 8 universities in the world to study peace and easing of tensions. $23 million spent so far.

FELLOWSHIP: Robin Stock was in charge of fellowship, fined Mike Cafaro for abusing our guest, anybody who really watched the Browns game, and anyone who hasn't done any decorating.

RAFFLE: Chuck Baker won the raffle, but his 6 of clubs didn't make the cut.

In lieu of a program, Brian led a discussion of club issues, both pro and con. Membership and attendance were the biggest issues, as we still can achieve our club goals but need a net gain of one to finish the year.

Toby Mirto closed with a quote by Ben Franklin -- "The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness, you have to catch it yourself". See you Thursday night.